Broken Man

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(Warning:  There are parts of this chapter which are not appropriate for minors under the age of 18 to read. It contains description of brutal injury to a person.)

Maggie stayed with Negan over the next few days, stepping in to help with whatever Negan required and giving Tara a much needed break. She would often hear him groan Haley's name then her own name always followed by, "I'm sorry". All she could do is put her hand on his cheek and whisper comforting words to him. Thankfully, he always got quiet and settled back into a fitful sleep. Every evening Maggie kept vigil at Negan's bedside; reading to him, exercising his legs and just talking to him. She hardly slept. But try as they might neither Tara or Rick could get her to rest. The morning of the third day, finds Maggie sound asleep at Negan's bedside. Her head, lying on his chest. She only wakes up when she feels someone's hand on hers. As she slowly opens her eyes, she whispers, "Negan, you're awake." Negan manages a weak, "I must be in heaven cause I see an angel. Hey Maggie girl."

He strokes her hair lovingly with his other hand

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He strokes her hair lovingly with his other hand. Maggie can scarcely speak herself but says, "Let me go get Tara!" As she tries to move her hand to leave, Negan pleads, "No, not yet. Stay like this for a minute. I just need to look at you."

By the next morning, the good news had spread all over Alexandria. Negan's going to be okay. He wasn't out of the woods yet but Tara knew they would need to take it one day at a time. In the meantime, Rick was putting another team together to search for Gabriel and Jaxon. With Negan back was urgent they leave as soon as possible! Rick walked over to see if Negan could shed any more light on what went on in Culpepper Creek.

"Negan, you have a visitor." Tara said and she opens the door wide enough to let Rick come in. "It's good to see you sitting up! Looking much better than you did yesterday, my friend. You up to some questions?" "Absofreakinlutely! It is good to lay eyes on you again, Rick." I hear you were leading the pack that came and pulled me outta my icy grave."  Rick walks over to shake Negan's outstretched hand. "Nothing you wouldn't do for me. So, Haley filled in some of the missing pieces. A group of us are leaving in the morning and we're headed for Culpepper Creek in hopes of finding some clues as to where they may have taken Gabriel and Jaxon. I know you'd want to go if you could but I think you've had enough of Culpepper Creek for a while." Negan responds, "You know it, Chief. Ya'll be safe." Rick is headed for the door but calls out, "Will do!" As he's leaving, Tara walks back in to check on Negan.

"I'm so pleased you're doing better this morning.  I'm going to have Maggie and Carol start coming twice a day to help you get back on your feet."  Tara instructs Negan. "Sounds good, Doc. Oh, and thanks for saving my life." Negan says, gently touching his incision. Tara responds, "Well, you can thank your daughter. All I did was pull out that nasty spleen.  If it hadn't been for Haley fighting her way through the woods to find us, we would've never reached you in time. In fact, there's someone who has been aching to see you since we brought you back but she's been recovering, same as you. Are you up for a little company?" Negan, sharing a big smile, "Are you kidding me? Where is she?" Tara leaves the room for a moment and returns with her other patient. "Dad!" Haley shouts, moving slowly towards Negan's bed. "I can't believe we did it!" "No, Haley. I was told that without you, I wouldn't be here. I did read the short message you scrawled on the wall of the cabin but after two days, I was afraid you hadn't made it." Negan said as she placed her arms around Negan's neck.  Someone just entering the room says,"Not to mention she draws a pretty good map!"

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