Divide and Conquer

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Sometime during the early afternoon hours, while Rosita is on watch in the tower, she spies a car travelling up the road. "Hey..." She shouts down below to Eugene, who was just walking up to relieve her, "...there's a car coming. No one went out this morning so it's not one of ours. Could mean trouble. Go get Rick." Eugene responds quickly, turning on his heel, "Will do!" On the way, he passes Negan and Maggie, who are out for their morning walk. "Morning! FYI...Rosita says there's an unfamiliar conveyance bearing down on our locale. I'm on my way to inform the boss." Negan calls back, "We'll check it out!" While Negan and Maggie make their way to the tower, Eugene finds Rick and Michonne standing outside their house talking to Jerry.  He remarks to Eugene, "Hey, I just saw you walking over to relieve Rosita at the tower. Something going on?"  Eugene replies breathlessly, "Negan and Maggie are headed there right now. Rosita gave me a communique for Rick! That's why I ran over, post haste. She says somebody's coming. Car unknown!" Rick and Michonne, already on the move, say, "Come on. Let's go!"  With Jerry deciding to tag along, the four arrive just as the car pulls up.

In light of the latest events, the following moments are tense. With the bright sunlight in their eyes and not being able to clearly see the car's occupants, Rick's hand goes quickly to his revolver, releasing the safety. He glances briefly at Michonne and finds her ready too.  Her own hand resting lightly on her katana.  But instead of another dire warning or worse, they're happy to see none other than Commonwealth's own Princess emerge from the vehicle followed by Mercer! "To what do we owe the honor of this unexpected visit?!" Jerry calls out. "You're definitely a sight for sore eyes!" Rick exclaims, walking up to greet them.

  "You're definitely a sight for sore eyes!"  Rick exclaims, walking up to greet them

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Soon they're all gathered around their friends, laughing and talking. When the back car door starts to slowly open, Princess looks at Eugene and says, "Oh! I almost forgot! I brought a special surprise for you! Come here" Though puzzled, he walks over to the car and is genuinely elated when out steps his old flame, Maxxine! Still just a bit shy, she manages to say, "Sorry, I must've fallen asleep." She sees Eugene and smiles. "Maxxine? I...I never thought I'd share the pleasure of your company again." He returns her smile then gives her a warm hug. Maxxine pushes her glasses back up on her nose. "I wasn't sure either. I knew when Princess told me she and Mercer had to come see Rick about some important business, it was a sign I was meant to come too. It's so lovely to see you again." Rick steps forward. "Hearing Max say that you had to come gives me the feeling you're not just here because you missed us and from the look on your face..." Rick says, looking in Mercer's direction..."it sounds like we need to sit down and talk."  Tara offers to take the rest of Eugene's watch so he can accompany Maxxine with the rest of the group. "Eugene, Haley's in the clinic with Father Garbriel so I can take the rest of your watch, if you'd like." He hugs her neck and replies, "Thanks Tara, I owe you one! A big one!" The group then proceeds to walk to Rick and Michonne's house and as everyone is getting settled, Carol walks through the open door; followed by Daryl, his crossbow slung over his shoulder. "Hey Rick, we were just going out to do some hunting but had some news we needed to tell you first. That's when we saw everyone headed this way too. What's going on?" Suddenly, both he and Carol realize that Mercer and Princess are now among the crowd. Carol walks over to hug them both. That's when Rick begins to speak, "You might want to sit in on this." Rick says, looking at both Carol and Daryl. "So I've already gathered this visit may be more business than pleasure? Problems in the Commonwealth?" 

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