My Way, My Choosing

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Back in the watch tower, the loaded bazooka now rests on the very capable shoulder of Rick, whose finger lies ready on the trigger.

Go ahead," Rick whispered under his breath. "Make the first move. I'll make it your last."

He watches the car quickly pulling within range. Two hundred yards, one hundred yards and counting. Without warning, the car stops. Everything goes silent. No one exits the vehicle. Nothing.  Just the wind blowing through the trees.

"What are they waiting for?" Rick thinks, clearly on edge now.

The car was merely a mode of transportation and one of deception. Now he thinks back to when Mercer explained how the disappearance of the children occurred. They came under the cover of night when Jaxon and two of the children were taken from the Commonwealth and they never used the front door. Suddenly he realizes what they're up to! This isn't a frontal attack at all! All along, they were planning on breaching the perimeter elsewhere! Rick looks down from the watch tower, hoping to see one of the teams below. There they are. Eugene and Michonne!

"Michonne!" Rick whispered urgently.

She quickly looks around and then spots him still up in the guard tower.  "Rick!  What's wrong?"

Rick answers, "The car is just sitting there

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Rick answers, "The car is just sitting there. I  have a bad feeling this is just a trojan horse.  The real attack is going to come at some point along the perimeter! Split up and warn the other teams!"

"On it!" Michonne answers.  "Hang on, Eugene and I will be back!"

*     *     *     *     *     *     *

Jerry and Abraham have been watching the perimeter where they heard the footfalls only moments before. As they watch, they see five walkers stumbling their way through the trees and then realize they are headed straight for the razor wire. Hoping the walkers will only get tangled in the wire and be unable to move any further, they watch for just a moment more until the first two hit the wire. The others follow suit but instead of getting caught up in the sharp, twisted barbs, they only fall on top of each other creating an unexpected and unwanted 'bridge.' Under the cover of darkness, Jerry and Abraham realize too late this is not an accidental breach but a devious plan being played out purposely by the Flock. Rushing from the treeline are about six or seven men carrying knives and pointing guns right at them! The two friends quickly fall back, taking cover around the corner of the nearest house.

"Jerry!  I'm going to throw out a smoke bomb and then run to the corner of that house."  Abraham says pointing at the adjacent home.  "Once I get there, open fire on them!  We'll catch them in the crossfire!" 

Jerry quickly replies, "Gotcha, Boss!" 

Abraham hauls back and launches the smoke bomb at the closest intruders and as the smoke starts spreading, he makes a dash for the other house.  As soon as Jerry sees his friend taking aim, he too, lets go with a hail of gunfire!  

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