Wanna Talk?

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With the safe arrival of Rosita, Abraham and now baby Sorcha, Alexandria now had real cause for celebration!  The family was whole again with the exception of the group in Culpepper Creek and they were expecting them back any day.  It was Abraham's unsteady gate which got Tara's attention.  She approaches Abraham, "Hey big guy!  Good to see ya!  Rosita, when you get a chance, bring yourself and that sweet baby by the clinic so I can check both of you out.  Oh!  Abraham, come with them.  You're looking a bit under the weather."  "Just a slight concussion.  I think."  Abraham says.  "More the reason to come by after the party!  That's an order.  Right?   Tara says, concerned now.  "Right, Doc.  Promise.  Now...let's get to the grub.  We're starved!"  Abraham says,  mustering the best smile he can.  They turn and head for the rest of the party and many other greetings and congratulatory handshakes and hugs.

Daryl, however, is standing at the edge of the crowd, trying his best to stay through the celebration but not being able to see anything beyond the horrors he had seen while in France.  Even the news from Abraham and Rosita didn't seem to make a difference.  These proud parents brought their new baby, Sorcha to the party long enough to let Carol hold her and to ask if they would do them the honor of being Sorcha's godparents.  "We have a date with the Doc tonight but couldn't miss this opportunity!"  Rosita says, holding Sorcha up proudly.  Though Carol smiled down into the baby's face and readily agreed to take on that role, Daryl could only look at Abraham and Rosita and give them what seemed to be a half-smile and nod.  Daryl knows these people are his friends. They care and are certainly glad to finally have them home safely but after about 15 minutes of mumbling "ah hum" he glances over at Carol. One look at his face and Carol knows he's done. He's just not up for this. He needs quiet and time. Time to forget, to heal...time to find a way out of the darkness he's suffering in. Carol has tried everything she knows to get through to her best friend and her heart is breaking because she can't fix him.  This is one enemy she can't kill.  At this point, she can only try to protect him as he did her so many years ago.

Carol makes their apologies to everyone; blaming it on their exhaustion and thanking them for their warm greetings and good food. As they turn to go, Carol calls out, "Dog" and he quickly leaves Judith's side to walk with them. She senses Daryl's regret because she's missing the party and says, "Daryl, I know you think I left the party on your account." Carol knows how his pride works so she continues, "Well mister, I'm not. I'm bushed and all partied out. Thought I'd get to bed early, is all. Just thought I'd walk along with you."

Daryl turns his head to look at Carol

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Daryl turns his head to look at Carol. She's smiling at him. He knows that smile. It's her, protecting him in the way she does best. She reaches out to hug him, not at all sure how he will react. Daryl feel's the quickened beat of her heart against his chest. It matches his. He knows. He holds her tightly because he needs for her to know he isn't totally lost. This is a huge step back to the life Daryl had known before he stopped for gas that day along the coast of Maine and Carol knew it. Before he lets her go, she hears him whisper in her ear, "I love you." The first time she had heard his voice since she found him outside of Paris. She takes his hand in hers and whispers back, "I know. I love you too." By this time, they are now standing at the top of her driveway. She invites him in. "There's room on the couch." Daryl silently shakes his head, turns and heads into the woods where he feels safest. A tear rolls down Carol's cheek. She's afraid for him to be alone this way...alone in the dark...with his nightmares but she knows he'll come home when he's ready.

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