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(*Warning - there is some violence in this chapter)

"Preacher man, though our names are not important, I will tell you I was once called by Jeremiah."  A bi-speckled man with black, bushy eyebrows and goatee has now entered the claustrophobic room, ..."I know yours to be Gabriel.  By now, you must be wondering what we want with you. Well, my misguided friend, we are here to show you the error of your ways. Brother, how many years have you worn that collar?"  Jeremiah said in a voice that carried with it a sense of pure evil. Gabriel, who has finally come around after the effects of the gas, answers, "Fifteen. Yes, I am curious. Right after I was grabbed in the lobby of that hotel, I heard someone say, 'I've got him. Let's go.'  Yes, Jeremiah.  Why me, indeed?  You spoke of errors I'm guilty of. I have made mistakes in my life but none the Father hasn't forgiven me for."  Angered by the words he hears, Jeremiah lashes out at Gabriel, hitting him across the face!

Gabriel, whose hands and feet are bound, holds his hands up to his now stinging cheek then turns his face away from Jeremiah. Once more, without warning, Gabriel receives a second punch but this time to the other cheek. "I'd like to say I respect you for that. Turning the other cheek. Just like the Good Book says." I'd like to but I won't." Gabriel falls silent. Not sure what to do next. "I'll let you mull all this over for a while but we will definitely talk more later. You have a lot to learn." Jeremiah turns to go but before he shuts the door behind him, Gabriel swears he could hear the sound of a small child crying somewhere down the hall.

It has been hours since Jeremiah slammed the door, leaving Gabriel all alone. He hasn't had anything to eat or drink since long before they were ambushed. Exactly how long that's been is a mystery. He takes a few minutes to look around the room where he's being held. There is an old army cot in the corner and not much else in the way of furniture. He also sees one small window, but it's closer to the ceiling and therefore he's not able to look outside. Because his feet are still tightly bound at the ankles, he can't even get to the cot, let alone lie down. Night has fallen but Gabriel doesn't know what day it is. How long has he been in this room? Hours, days? If days, then how many? He's starving and his mouth is not only sore from the hits he took from Jeremiah but it's parched as well. He needs water desperately. It's been so eerily quiet that Gabriel wonders if he's been abandoned here to die. Jeremiah did say he'd be back but anything could happen. So he gets to work on the ropes binding his ankles together.

Before he's barely started on the ropes, Gabriel hears someone at the door. Though he's hoping it's not Jeremiah, he keeps his eyes on the door and prepares for another unpleasant encounter. Earlier, when Jeremiah left the room, Gabriel had noticed a narrow, hinged door of sorts about 12" long and 4" high with a shelf under it, located in the middle of the door. All Gabriel could think of were the doors to prison cells and those little hinged doors the guards would pass food through. He found himself longing to see that hinged door open for that reason alone. Instead, two men, who appeared to be Jeremiah's henchmen, walked through with guns drawn and barking orders, "Get up, Padre! Jeremiah wants to see you! Now!" One of the men stoops down to untie Gabriel's ankle ropes but before he can stand to his feet, the other man steps forward quickly and kicks Gabriel in the leg! He yelps in pain while the man who kicked him laughs and says, "There's more where that came from! Now move!"

The two men push and shove Gabriel all the way down the hall and into a large room where Jeremiah is sitting, sipping on a cup of coffee. "Well, nice of you to join us, preacher man. We have a lot to talk about. But first, would you like something to drink?" Gabriel looked longingly at the cup as Jeremiah lifts it again to his lips. "Thank you. That would be most appreciated." Was all he was able to say because of the dryness of his throat. However, Gabriel was shocked as the man began to laugh loudly and point to two bowls sitting in the far corner of the room. "Oh! I'm sorry. You thought...(struggling to speak through his laughter) thought you were going to sit here at my table and drink my coffee? No...padre'. You're gonna quench your thirst over there in the corner." Gabriel fought the urge to lash out in anger but the men at the door with the guns convinced him otherwise. He hobbled slowly over to where the bowls were and looked down. In one bowl was water and in the other was something that looked like mush or oatmeal. "Oh, there might be a few morsels for you in the other bowl. I'd eat it if I were you. You're gonna need it. Just settle in on the floor and eat up." Gabriel looked back to Jeremiah and said, "Would someone be kind enough to untie my hands?" Jeremiah motioned in Gabriel's direction with his head and one of the armed men started toward him. "I think Jeremiah told you to eat. Now get down there and do it!" Then before he knew it, the man hit him in the back of his knees with the butt of his gun causing Gabriel to fall to his knees. Laughing, the three men left the room, locking the door behind them.

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