If It's The Last Thing I Do

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Glenn is getting weaker as the toxin spreads. But Negan, not knowing what's occurred, stops for a moment so they can catch their breath. Glenn desperately tries to convince Negan he can't go on but Negan simply hoists Glenn up over his shoulder, amid his protests, and proceeds to carry him through the deep snow. With Haley walking in the front of Negan; lost in her grief, she doesn't notice the change in Glenn. Negan continues to struggle on; pushing against the harsh wind and bone-chilling cold until he feels Glenn struggling to get down. Thinking Glenn has regained his strength, he stops.

As soon as Glenn's feet hit the ground, he lashes out in a failed attempt to grab Negan but he quickly lurches to one side. Glenn then turns his attention to Haley. Negan starts yelling in an attempt to draw his friend away from his daughter. Glenn trips over a snow-covered root, loses his footing and falls to the ground. "Hey man! Damn-it! What's wrong with you?" Negan shouts to Glenn over the wind. Putting his hand out to help Glenn up, he suddenly sees the bite mark on his arm! "What the hell?!?" Shouts Negan, stumbling backward; landing in a snowbank. "Get back, Haley!" Negan knows his friend is gone and it's his turn to grieve. This time, Glenn is able to grab Negan by the ankle and begins pulling himself forward. Clouds that once covered the night sky, blocking the light of a full moon, suddenly part and Negan gets a good look at Glenn's face. The ravenous eyes staring back at him in the moonlight tell him the man he once knew is lost forever. Negan screams at Glenn through his pain, "Why didn't you tell me! Please! Please don't make me do this!" Cries Negan, who is desperately trying to back away. He has no other choice, Negan quickly pulls his survival knife from its sheath. Glenn, still holding Negan's ankle in a death grip, is now reaching out to Negan with the other hand; jaws moving hungrily in an attempt to bite him. Haley, terrified, can only stand and watch helplessly.

Negan finds himself quickly experiencing a moment of deja'vu, knowing he's been here before. Back in the Smith house the night he had to do the same thing to his beautiful wife, Lucille, after she had turned. In his state of grief, he set their home a blaze and rode away. He is fighting the same urge to turn and run now, knowing he will never be able to live with himself. He makes himself look into Glenn's eyes; to search for any sign of humanity, just like he did Lucille. There is none.   He quickly thrusts the blade deep into Glenn's skull; screaming his regret and sorrow into the night. "Maaagggiiee!!!"  A now silenced Glenn collapses into a heap at his feet. "Maggie, I'm sorry." Negan cries.

Exhausted and overwrought with grief, Negan, can only lie sobbing uncontrollably in the snow; his dead friend only an arm's length away. His heart breaking over what might've been. If Maggie could've ever found it in her heart to love him as he did her, he killed it when his knife ended Glenn's life. Haley cautiously approaches her dad and sits down in the snow beside him. "Dad, I'm so sorry," she says, placing her hand on his shoulder, trying her best to comfort him. Negan says through his anguish, "Me too." Several moments later, Negan struggles, against the force of the wind and snow, to his feet. "Here Haley, he says as he takes his jacket off and hands it to her, "...the temps are dropping. Put this on." She fiercely objects, "Dad! What about you?!"  Negan just bends over, lifting the body of his lifeless friend over his shoulder and continues on.

"  She fiercely objects, "Dad!  What about you?!"  Negan just bends over, lifting the body of his lifeless friend over his shoulder and continues on

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