A Dad's Love

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Gabriel still can't believe what he just witnessed. As he stands there staring at Jeremiah, he suddenly hears someone behind him scream. He quickly turns to see Judith and Ginny standing on the stairs.

"What are you two doing here? How did you get past the guard at the door?" Gabriel exclaims.

"There was no guard there. We only came because we were worried about you. I went to check on you and you weren't in your room. I was afraid you would come here." "Well, I...I..." Judith starts to stumble over her words. "I didn't know you were going to..." 

"Why did you come here then?" Gabriel interrupts.

"Not for this!  Judith says in a shocked, angry voice.

"I only wanted to face him in an environment where I knew he couldn't hurt me anymore. True, I did have revenge on my mind and if I had met him in the woods somewhere alone? Yes, I would've killed him! Not here, not this way though.  Gabriel says, pointing at Jeremiah's lifeless body.

 "I assumed he was unarmed. I'm not a ruthless monster like he was when he had me whipped and starved. Can you understand that, Judith?"  Gabriel asks.

Gabriel is beginning to feel as though he's going to pass out.  He knows he needs to get back to the basement clinic very soon, but before he starts up the stairs, Judith answers his question by putting out her hand. Gabriel smiles as he shakes her hand, smiling.

"I understand now, Father Gabriel."  Judith feels his anguish and hugs him.

The three cautiously climb the stairs with Gabriel in the lead. His concern for the missing guard has him on alert more than ever. He can't imagine one of Mercer's men would've just abandoned his assigned post.  At least, not without good cause.

"Girls, stay here for a minute while I take a look around. I want to make sure the guard isn't lying out here somewhere hurt and needed help." 

The girls agree to wait while Gabriel cautiously looks around. He isn't surprised when he finds him.

He's been knocked unconscious. Someone pulled him back here."   Gabriel calls out.

The soldier is just starting to come around when Gabriel suddenly hears a child scream! Rushing back to the girls, he's stunned to find Judith now standing with her gun drawn and a very dead man lying not 5' away!

"Judith, what happened? Are you two okay!?" Gabriel says, slowly lowering the gun which Judith was still holding stiffly in her hands.

Starting to shake and a tear falling down her cheek, she says, "Father Gabriel, he came out of nowhere and was running straight for us! I didn't pull the trigger though! He just fell on the ground. Is he dead?"

"Probably the same guy who took out the guard. The soldier will be okay. He was starting to come around when I heard Ginny scream. But this guy? He's quite dead. One shot through the back of the head. Let's get back to the basement before someone takes a shot at us too!"  Gabriel replies as he checks the man's vitals.

He turns the girls around and they head back to the safety of the makeshift childcare center/clinic. As soon as they descend the stairs, they hear Haley shout,

"Where the hell have the three of you been?!? We've been worried sick! And you two!" Looking at Judith and Ginny now. "Imagine the two of you thinking it would be okay for you to leave without a word and go where?!?

She sounds as though she's either about to burst into tears or beat them! Gabriel speaks up in the girl's defense.

"Haley, it's my fault. I had to face Jeremiah on my own so since I knew where they were going to put him so I left. They followed me. It was stupid but we're okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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