Come Out, Come Out

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Meanwhile, somewhere just west of Culpepper Creek, something sinister is brewing.  A young couple, Michael and Bella Adams, have set up a small, secluded camp in a grove of trees;  just trying to survive while keeping their three year old son, Jaxon, safe from harm.  Jaxon was born a child of the apocalypse.   In the middle of the madness. Living with the fear their infant's cries would be heard by the dead, almost drove them mad. Three years later, they are still surviving...barely.

Over a few cups of weak coffee and not much more, Michael clears his throat and starts to speak

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Over a few cups of weak coffee and not much more, Michael clears his throat and starts to speak. "Bella, remember that small town we passed up the road when we first set up here? Well, you know we're at next to nothing to eat. That town is the perfect place to look for food and other supplies. It should only take about 20 minutes to get there. The thing is, I have to go now before it gets too late and I need for you and Jaxon to stay here.  You know it's too far and far too risky to take Jaxon,"  Bella just sat silently, sipping her coffee. She knew he was right but she was also afraid to stay alone. Michael continued, "What are you thinking about?" Bella sat her cup down and looked at Michael before quietly replying, "I know you're right. We'll be okay and you can make it there and back more quickly without us. Hopefully, this little boy will sleep the whole time you're gone." Pointing at the little blond tyke who was sitting at her feet, busy eating his peanut butter sandwich. In an attempt to lighten the moment, she added, "By the way, I'm a size 4 and I my favorite color is baby blue. Just saying."  With a mischievous smile on her face, Bella continues, "Oh! And don't forget to pick up a couple of rib eyes and a nice bottle of champagne while you're in town."  He knows she scared but her attitude only serves to affirm all the more why he loves her so deeply. Michael moves closer to Bella and before she can protest, leans down and places a long kiss on her lips. Bella grabs her husband's hand and pulls him down to his knees beside her then whispers in his ear, "Forget the steaks, Love. Just bring back the bubbly. We'll cuddle up by the fire and pop the cork."  Michael's head is now swimming.  He gives her another quick peck on the cheek as he stands to his feet. "I love you, Bell." You are the one who makes me try so hard. You and that little peanut there.  Michael says, pointing at Jaxon.  "I'll be back as soon as I can. Keep the fire burning!"  He knows if he doesn't leave now, he won't go at all. So he turns on his heel and makes for town, tossing a wave to them over his shoulder.  Little do they know just how hot it's about to get!

It takes Michael about 20 minutes to reach the edge of town. He does a quick scan down Main Street. Up one side then down the other. Not seeing any clear danger, he cautiously approaches one of the first buildings he sees...a grocery store. Jackpot!  The doors are open so he doesn't hold out much hope of finding anything left on the shelves but he can't just walk away, so he quietly enters the store to search for anything still edible. Much to his surprise, he does find some canned goods, pastas, some stale donuts, several bottles of water and even 5 or 6 jars of apple sauce for Jaxon.  He also finds a box of powdered milk and some packets of drink mix. Of course, everything is past its expiration date but what isn't now? They've eaten it before with no ill side effects. Today, he's a grateful man. For the next few weeks, he and his family will eat.

Michael walks out of the grocery store and looking across the street, he sees a small department store!  He can scarcely contain his excitement

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Michael walks out of the grocery store and looking across the street, he sees a small department store! He can scarcely contain his excitement. New clothes, toothpaste, deodorant, blankets, toddler size clothes and maybe something special in the color, baby blue. With high hopes, he approaches the glass doors but this time, they aren't open and don't give way with a slight push. Damn! They're locked. He can't just walk away. He backs up and looks around. He takes another good, long glance up and down the street. Nothing.  If he breaks the glass...then what? Will the dead who might be lurking nearby hear the noise?  He could just leave and not risk the things he already has but these other things were necessities too and of equal importance. He decides, if he moves quickly, he can be in and out before any potential trouble starts.

He picks up a broken brick lying nearby and breaks the glass in the door. He listens for a moment and when he hears nothing, he steps inside and quickly locates the items he has on his mental list. He frantically grabs everything he needs and quickly heads for door. He checks to see if the noise has attracted any unwanted attention and when he's sure the coast is clear, he makes a mad dash for the woods. Once hidden in the trees, he carefully rearranges the items to make them easier to carry back to camp. He's ecstatic. What a haul!  Bella will be so happy!  Maybe there was no champagne to be had but she'll love the baby blue scarf he found for her.  It takes a bit longer to get back to camp but as he walks through the stand of trees where his wife and son are anxiously awaiting his return, Michael is finally able to let out a huge sigh of relief.   He hugs Bella and Jaxon then puts his bounty on the ground at Bella's feet and remarks, "Piece of cake."

If only he knew.

Every move Michael has made since leaving camp has been observed by someone and they aren't the Culpepper Creek Welcome Wagon.  Michael and Bella have something or rather someone this unseen enemy wants.  Badly.  And they won't stop until they get him.

With the embers of their small campfire now cold, Bella carries Jaxon into their tent to get him settled for bed while Michael does a quick but thorough sweep of the camp perimeter before joining them, zipping the tent flap closed behind him.  Soon they are sleeping, although fear of the undead keeps them from sound, deep sleep.  Some time, in the middle of the night, Michael is suddenly jolted awake by the terrifying sound of multiple voices just outside their tent whispering, "Come out, come out, we know where you are and we want what you have."  He freezes in place, listening hard now but the dire warning isn't heard again and all goes silent.  He looks quickly over to Bella, but she's still asleep.  Even though everything is quiet now, Michael is certain he didn't dream it.  He quietly gathers up his gun, exiting the tent and walks the small perimeter of their camp the rest of the night.  While watching and walking, he makes a decision.  In the morning, he and his family are packing up and heading for town.  It's not far from where this happened but at least the safety of four walls in one of those abandoned buildings has to be better than this.  Hopefully, whoever it was...was only passing through.

Come out, come out...wherever you are.

Chapter After Thoughts

Who is this new threat?!?  What are their intentions?  How will Michael, Bella and Jaxon make it through this?  And is Culpepper Creek any safer?  With walkers at every turn, why didn't Michael see any in the woods or town? 

The answers are please stay tuned and don't forget to vote for this chapter!

Chapter Seven, "To New Beginnings"

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