Till All The Stars Burn Out

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Using a small flashlight, Daryl finds multiple hoof prints showing proof there were other horses, not just the one that carried Gabriel. Not only that but also wagon tracks!

He follows the tracks until they disappear at the treeline

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He follows the tracks until they disappear at the treeline. He continues to scour the woods surrounding Alexandria but sees no further signs of the intruders, other than a few broken twigs. Daryl increases the watch, including the whole perimeter around Alexandria. He knows this isn't the last they've seen of the Flock and that's giving him a very uneasy feeling. He goes over to Rick's to talk to him about his suspicions.

Over the next day or two, things proceed as normal as people continue to organize and prepare for the move. Rick, Michonne and the others stay on high alert in case members of this new cult decide to come back but all is quiet. All of Tara's patients are on the mend. Even though Father Gabriel is still unconscious there have been no further complications and now Haley is the first to leave the clinic with a clean bill of health. Tara brings Haley good news. "Haley, I'm very happy to tell you you're being kicked loose today and if Negan continues doing what his nurse tells him to, he could be outta here shortly as well." Haley replies, "Tara, I can't thank you enough for all you've done for dad and me. If there's ever any way I can repay you, please just say the word." "I could always use a hand in the clinic. Do you have any medical training...even basic?" Tara asks hopefully. All Haley can do is smile and say, "As a matter of fact, before the world, as we knew it, stopped, I was a second year nursing student. My dream was to be a surgical nurse." Tara replies, "Are you serious, man? Wow! If you ever want to work here in the clinic with me, just say the word! My girlfriend had to step into the shoes of our doctor, Sazek, after he was killed. She had little to no training. Neither did I, after she was killed. Everyone else already had a job or skill they could use so I learned just like Denise did. Through medical books. I read every book she had. That's why I could do Negan's surgery. We do what we gotta do." Haley walks over to Tara and sticks out her hand. "Doctor, you just got yourself an intern!" Tara, smiling from ear to ear answers, "Give yourself time to get settled, a bit that is until we move. There's plenty of rooms here at the clinic if you want to live here. Your help couldn't have come at a better time. When we finally make our move, we'll have a whole new clinic to set up." Haley smiles and nods in agreement and then decides to walk down to her dad's room to check on him and tell him the good news. She reaches Negan's room and finds the door opened slightly. Haley peeks in only to see Jenny sitting by an empty bed. "You must be Jenny.  Negan has told me all about you.  I'm Haley.  I'm Negan's daughter too.  "Where is he, by the way?"  I was hoping to chat with him for a bit.  Jenny replies, "Get in line.  He's with Maggie...again."  Haley's heart goes out to her and she understands because she felt like that sometimes when she was a kid.  Haley says, "Oh. That's right.  Maggie told me yesterday if he was feeling better today she wanted to take him outside for some fresh air and a little, slow walk with his cane. They should be back soon.  Well, I guess we're both outta luck then but it's too pretty a day to just sit in here.  Hey! What say you and I go scrounge up something bad for us like cookies or chips or something."  Jenny looked at her and then said, "Yeah, why don't we?"

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