People Of The Flock...

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Negan, Maggie, Jerry, Rosita, Eugene and Maxxine meet at the watch tower to decide on the ground placement for the sawed-off pitchforks. On another run, Carol and Daryl had also managed to find a rusty old spool of barbed wire in a dilapidated barn. That would now come in handy to help protect the perimeter. At one point, Maggie said, "Remember during the last assault on Alexandria, they used flaming arrows, setting fire to the walls and some of the buildings? If we have the resources, we can do the same thing here."  Eugene spoke up, "Silent and very effective. As we were making our various incendiary devices, I took note of the abundance of arrows available in our armory. Seeing the possible need, we whipped out a dozen or more extra." Jerry then added to the conversation, "We've also been manufacturing bio-diesel from the excess corn we grew last season.  I'm sure we can find a good use for that too." Negan says, "It would seem we have all the makings for these arrows. So we'll have enough to arm our teams plus about 14 special arrows then? "That's affirmative." Eugene replies.  Rosita adds, "I'm thinking about the bio-diesel.  We have about 4-½ hrs before the action starts here so while we have the manpower, I suggest we dig a few shallow trenches in the areas where the perimeter is the most vulnerable, including the entrance. We can use the bio-diesel to fill the trenches and the oil-soaked arrows to ignite them." Jerry suddenly says, "What are we waiting for?!" "Right, Jerry!" Negan says. "Maggie and I will grab the arrows and shovels. With your help..." Negan says, pointing at the soldiers, "...we'll start right here, digging the first trench. Maggie adds, "Meet us back here in 30." Jerry responds, "Just tell us what you need!" Maggie continues, "Maxxine, we're gonna need some old sheets we can tear and wrap around the tips of the arrows." She calls back, "On it, Maggie!" Jerry, can you round up enough oil to dip all the arrow tips in?" Jerry is already on the move but acknowledges Maggie with a wave over his right shoulder. "We better get moving. We've got a lot of work to do!"  Maggie runs for the arrows while Negan comes back carrying 4-5 shovels. Soon everyone is busy digging 7, 10' trenches and filling them with 3" of bio-diesel. Bows as well as a supply of oil-dipped arrows are strategically placed in the watch tower and on several other rooftops. 

They meet back up with Rick and talk him through their plan

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They meet back up with Rick and talk him through their plan. They also make the other teams aware of where the trenches have been dug and where the other traps have been set. Rick then assigns each person to a specific car saying, "Because of the addition of 5 on the way back, it is imperative you come back in the car you are now being assigned to. Car 1: Front seat - Morgan (driver), Aaron and Soldier #1. Back seat - Mercer and Abraham. You will put a trussed-up Jeremiah between you. Car 2: Front seat - Daryl (driver), Carol and Soldier #2. Back seat - Soldiers #3 and Michonne. Car 3: Front seat - Rick (driver), 2 children & Princess. Back seat - Tara, 2 children & Soldier #4. Rick asks for questions and everyone feels they are as ready as they can be. Team 2 stows the bazooka in the trunk and gets ready to pull out. Rosita approaches Team 1's car along with Abraham. "I wish I was going with you. This doesn't feel right. I'm much better out there with you." She says as she starts pacing back and forth near the car. "Baby, Rick knows that. But he needs good fighters here too because we're bringing the party back with us.  I wish you were by my side and don't take this the wrong way but Sorcha needs at least one of us here with her. Making sure she's safe too. Don't you worry. I'm coming back as quick as I can and we'll be dragging that beat-down psycho back with us!"  Abraham gives her a tight hug before settling into the passenger seat beside Morgan. "Ready to get this show on the road, Morgan?" Abraham says. Morgan, who is a man of few words, answers by turning the key, bringing the engine to life and throwing the car into gear. Rick and Machonne give Judith and RJ last minute instructions and hugs as well. "Make sure you stick tight to Nabila and Haley. Help them as much as you can.  There may be a lot going on out here when we get back but the two of you need to sit tight in the basement.  When it's over, I'll come for you."  Michonne says to her children as she lifts RJ's hat so she can see his face. Judith wanted to argue with her but it would do no good.  RJ and Judith hug them both again as they get into their cars. With Rick and the third car now following closely behind Morgan, those who are gathered at the entrance watch as their tail lights disappear into the cold night.

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