A Stitch In Time

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While Haley tells Rick and Michonne the whole story, Maggie walks down to the creek to read the letter Tara had just given her.  Wrinkled and written in pencil on an old envelope and clearly stained from fallen tears, she reads...

Dearest Maggie...

"Most of my life, I've lived with "almosts" and "what if's. I'm just a gym teacher. I've lost a lot of things in the last 15 yrs, including my humanity. But I've spent the last 10 years trying to recover who I lost. Haley. She found me. Then because of you, I found me. The man I was before I lost Lucille. I was flawed but I wasn't a monster...yet. After I lost her, I did some horrible things out of revenge. I allowed the darkness and madness to overtake me and also did unthinkable, unforgivable things.

Maybe I needed to become that monster just so I could feel something. Now I know love still exists because I found you. The path to my heart couldn't have been an easy one to navigate. You never gave up on me. No matter how rocky it got.  Somehow, you saw all my broken parts and put me back together.  I fell in love with everything you are. The miracle? You saw through all my brokenness and scars and loved me back. You fought through all the darkness and led me into your light. Your love. You also taught me how to forgive myself.

Please make sure Judith gets her compass back and tell her it did exactly what she meant for it to do.  It always helped me find my way back home.  This time, the compass didn't fail.  I did.

I tried so hard to be the man you needed, wanted me to be.  I may have failed.  If you're reading this I need you to know how desperately I wanted to stay and love you through eternity.  But it wasn't in our stars.

Maggie girl, my sweet brown-haired angel.
Loving you saved my life. Your loving me back, saved my heart.

- 'Till all the stars burn out, Negan

In shock over hearing that Glenn is dead, Rick and Michonne are struggling to clear their heads enough to focus on finding Negan and bringing them both home. Sensing they are running out of time, Rick leaves the clinic to round up a rescue/recovery team while Michonne gets Haley to draw a rough map to the cabin.  Time is of the essence!

They would take two wagons.  Abraham and Tara in one wagon so they could lay Negan in the back and Tara could begin to triage his injuries and hypothermia.  Praying that his being in a shelter would at least save him from any possible frostbite.  Rick and Aaron rode in another wagon so they could bring Glenn's body back to Alexandria.  Before leaving, Rick went to talk to Negan's daughter. "Haley, I talked with Tara and as her patient, she feels the need for you to stay here. You are still too weak to travel. We WILL bring Negan back. Tara is going with us so she can immediately start assessing his injuries."  Secretly, Rick was just hoping they would reach him in time.  As the wagons were about to pull out, Daryl approached Rick with his crossbow slung over his shoulder.  "Rick!  Lemme see that map."  He quickly unfolds the map and hands it to him.  "I know right where that cabin is!  I can make it faster on foot by cutting through the woods.  It's only about 5 miles from here...going north."  Rick puts his hand on Daryl's shoulder and says, "Then let's go get Negan!"  

"  Rick puts his hand on Daryl's shoulder and says, "Then let's go get Negan!"  

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