On The Road Again...

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Brrrrr...winter sure came in with a vengeance and has definitely dug her heels in.  The trees are bare and the sky is now threatening snow. I have to admit, I'm getting a bit anxious about Abraham and Rosita.  They took off yesterday morning for a quick day trip.  Problem?? Rosita is 8 mos pregnant and Abraham told her he saw a daycare about a 1/2 day out.  So he's decided to make a scavenging run in hopes of finding some much-needed baby items.  Afterall, where DOES one go, in the middle of an apocalypse, to shop for a crib and baby clothes?

Abraham laid out a plan even he admitted was "well-thought out" plan but there's always a slight kink in every good plan and this one even has a name. Rosita! This very pregnant momma-to-be insists on going with him and even Abraham has trouble convincing her she shouldn't go. Yeah right. Winning an argument with Rosita? No sweat...said no one ever. Well, that was yesterday morning and according to what Abraham had told my dad, "Look man, should be an easy peasy "out-there-and-back" day trip, barring any hiccups." Abraham said, tilting his head just a bit at the end. See? That's the problem with plans. There are always a few hiccups. "No worries," Abraham says. "I got this," he says.  Exactly who was he trying to convince anyway?

There's still no sign of them and today looks like snow.

This morning, however, not even their absence could wipe the smile off my face! Why? The radio brought good news even though it was shrouded in mystery. Carol's voice declaring she had found Daryl and they were coming home! She said, "He's a bit more than just rough around the edges. In fact," Carol continued, speaking in a more reserved voice, "he's not talking much at all. Just kind of stares off into nothingness." She cleared her throat and proceeded to give their location as just having crossed the Pennsylvania/West Virginia State Line and headed home as fast as they could get here! The last thing Aunt Carol said was, "Go easy. He's not the same. Daryl will need some time to "let it all go" but he will. He's Daryl. Bruised but never broken."

I was still hoping for even a weak hello from Uncle Daryl but there was nothing more. Confused but happy was how I can best tell you how I was feeling and dad was just excited about this news. He tried his best to assure me everything was okay and mom gave me a tight hug but she was concerned. All I really knew in my heart was ...Daryl and Carol were alive and coming home!!

With them on their way home and mom and dad still on the mend; it was decided a small group from Alexandria would head out on a recognizance mission in hopes of finding a new place where we could all start over

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With them on their way home and mom and dad still on the mend; it was decided a small group from Alexandria would head out on a recognizance mission in hopes of finding a new place where we could all start over. Dad and mom were on board with the new plan; agreeing there was nothing more we could do here in Alexandria. It was time to move on.  Again.  With winter hot on their heels, there couldn't be a worse time either.

So it was settled. The group would include Morgan, Eugene, Father Gabriel, Negan and Glenn.  They loaded warm clothing, extra cans of gas, food and supplies for a week into the trunks of two cars.  Morgan, Eugene and Gabriel in the lead car; Glenn and Negan in the other.  Glenn decides to start the trip driving which left Negan riding shotgun in the passenger seat.  With last goodbyes said and the lead car heading down the road, Maggie quickly approaches the passenger side window of the 2nd car and gently places her hand on Negan's arm.  She speaks a warning to both men as she says, "Please, watch the weather.  I've got an uneasy feeling we are in for a bad winter storm,"  Before Glenn can answer, Negan reassures her with a quick smile, "I think we should be back in plenty of time.  Besides, if we run into any problems...we have this."  Holding up the hand-held, short wave radio dad had given them earlier that morning.  Not to be undone, Glenn tells her they also have walkie talkies so the cars can communicate between one another on the road.  He quickly flashes Maggie a smile and adds, "I'll be back in no time, Maggie."  She smiles back as Glenn turns the key, bringing the engine to life. Maggie's hand slowly falls away from Negan's arm as the car pulls away and disappears down the road.  She misses him already.  The question is...which one does she miss more?

That left Rick, Michonne, Maggie, Tara, Jerry & Nabila and Aaron to set the organizing and packing wheels in motion.  RJ, Ginny, Gracie and I have been tasked with keeping the younger children, including Jerry & Nabila's kids...Ezra, Aliyah and Mariam, busy and helping out wherever we could.  Needless to say, our plates are full!

Everyone gets busy with their individual assigned tasks. Judith is gathering the smaller children together when she sees Jenny walking toward her.  She has to fight the urge to turn around and walk away from her friend but suddenly hears Jenny call her name.  "Judith!  Hey, Judith!  I really need to talk to you. Please."  Judith had always been taught to give 2nd chances when possible, so she stays where she was and waits as her friend draws closer.  Jenny begins, "Judith, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday." I had no right to be angry at you because you're allowed to carry a gun and I'm not.  I guess I'm kinda angry and jealous that you have a dad and I don't...anymore.  I never really meant the things I said.  It's not your fault and I should've never gotten angry over something like that.  I know there's still a lot I need to learn about handling a gun and I'm just hoping we can still be friends."  Judith thought for a moment and realized it really wasn't Jenny's fault.  She didn't know.  Judith knew it was Negan who let it slip and her own dad  who never told her.  She needed to get the truth from Rick.  If she was old enough to carry a gun and kill, she was old enough to have been told the truth.  "Oh Jenny, I'm not angry with you.  You're my best friend.  You just didn't know I didn't know Rick's not my real dad.  Of course we're still friends and if you'll let me, I'll even take you target practicing and one day you WILL get your own gun!"  Judith said, smiling.  Both girls worked the rest of the day, side by side, with one another...laughing and having fun.  It felt good.

Chapter After Thoughts

Sooo...what do you think? Even I'm getting excited about what's coming up the pike! Please vote for this chapter if you are enjoying the journey so far. Oh! You can also leave a comment on the right side if there's a paragraph you especially liked.

Stay tuned! I promise your mouth is about to drop as you read more about two of our beloved characters who, in my fan fiction, didn't quite meet their demise.

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