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"I-I uh... I have something to tell you." I nervously stammered to my boyfriend of 3 years. I've been hiding a secret from him for about a week, trying to find ways to tell him, but nothing beats a direct approach, right? Well, let's hope so.

"What's up, ma?" he asked, concern dripping all over his accent.

Instead of answering him right away, I toyed with my fingers, and held my head down. He wiped away a stray tear and asked for me to tell him what was up. Sighing, I looked up at him for the first time since he's been home.

"I'm... I'm... uh... I'm pregnant." I finally managed to say. Looking in his eyes, I saw nothing. Literally, nothing. His emotions went blank.

"I'll be right back." he said before walking out the room. I didn't know what to do, my emotions were all over the place.

About 5 minutes later, he walked in with a black bag and a laptop. He sat everything down and started typing away on the computer. I wanted to know what was going on, but I was too afraid to say anything, I just hope it wasn't anything too bad.

"Grab the bag." he told me after a few minutes, and I did what was said. "Take $500 out," again, I followed his instructions, as I watched him write something down on a sheet of paper. "Go here wit the money, and get rid of that thing." he said coldly.

Immediately, I stopped crying, and looked at him as though he had grown a third eye. "What?" venom laced my voice. I don't think I heard him correctly.

"We not ready ta raise no baby, so get rid of it." he said without a care in the world. "And if you don't, you can leave, but don't call me fa shit when ya do." he left.

"Cool," I said to myself, before taking the money. I'll be damned if I kill an innocent child for his ass. Back to Cali I go, I miss my dad, and I'm tired of this nigga and his thuggish ways anyway.


Once I arrived at my dad's house in Cali, he let me in with no questions. I was thankful for that. I ran to my room, and found my old iPod and the dock, and blasted "What is Love?" by Veronika Bozeman.

Eventually, though, I explained everything to my dad, and he was with me every step of the way.


Funny how life works, huh? I gave that sack of shit my virginity, and he gave me his baby, and were so-called in love. Look where love has gotten us. I was 18, pregnant, unemployed, and basically alone. Now, I'm a 23 year old single mother with her own business. I went to college and graduated with a degree in business and fashion.

I've opened a mother-daughter store called 'Child of an Empire,' where there are several clothing choices to choose from moms/dads and their kids. With my best friend, Danielle's, help there is also a salon/spa aspect of the store. Moms and daughters can get their hair and nails done, dads and sons can get haircuts. And if prom-goers and moms want to, they can get their faces beat too.

As far as a relationship, I'm not looking for one, it's all about me and my daughter, Amani. Besides when it comes to finding love outside of my family, I only have one question: what is love?


I'm not sure what happened, but watty deleted my fuckin book! So now I have to re-post everything. Luckily I still had access to the chapters, so I was able to save them

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