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This chapter is rated-r, so viewer (reader) discretion is advised... My first rated r scene... Don't judge me too bad :)

I was standing in my closet looking for something to wear. Out of nowhere, I felt a hand around my waist, and my ponytail was slightly pulled to expose my neck a little more. Then I felt his lips.

"My hand can't do half the shit you can, ma." He whispered huskily against my neck. That sent chills down my spine. That accent of his always comes out stronger when he horny.

"I know you want it, prolly ain't had none in fa'eva." I was too turned on to talk. His hands were wandering. "You want it?" He softly bit my neck, and one of his fingers grazed my covered core.

"Lemme see if you want since you fa got how ta talk." He slipped two fingers inside of me, and I gasped out of surprise and pleasure.

He got quiet, and continued to fuck me with his fingers. The only thing that was heard were my soft moans.

He picked me up, and sat me on the island I had in my closet. When you're passionate about fashion, you look for big ass closets, don't judge me.

My thoughts were cut short when I felt my boyshorts being pulled off. I looked at him as he stared at her. "Damn, I missed you."

He slowly kissed my lower stomach as he made his way down further on me. He continued to finger fuck me, and then kissed my core before coming up to my face. Asshole.

He sucked and kissed my neck. "N-no hi-hickies." I said between moans. He pulled away, and we ended up making out instead as fingers continued to work.

After what felt like eternity, he went to remove my bra and play with my breasts. Kissing, sucking, and biting one while his free hand played with the other. Occasionally switching. I was on a sexual high, it had indeed been years.

He swirled his tongue around my hardened nipple before trailing his tongue back down my body. He removed his 3 fingers and planted a kiss on both of my inner thighs.

He was teasing and that shit wasn't cool. I felt myself growing angry and impatient, but before I could he dove in.

He made out with my pussy lips like they were the ones on my face, sticking his tongue in every so often. Sucking and slightly biting my clit. My moans grew louder as I begged him not to stop. I held his head in place, forcing him to make his tongue go deeper.

When he stopped, I was disappointed. He climbed on the island with me, and pulled me over his face. His tongue was the first thing I felt as it penetrates me. Next, his fingers slithered their way inside. I slightly started riding his face and fingers.

My eyes were shut due to the amount of pleasure I was receiving, but I opened them and found myself staring at his rock hard dick.

I leaned down and stroked him with my hand to the best of my ability. Once, I stopped bouncing, I put him in mouth, and began sucking him like he was the greatest lollipop of all time. I grazed him with my teeth, and moaned with him deep inside my mouth. We were creating the ultimate sex high for each other.

I felt myself getting close, and I started squirming on his face. Trying my best to keep him in my mouth. But his tongue and fingers started keeping up with me, and before I knew it, I was cumming.

After he cleaned me up, he moved me, and got up. "Ion have no condoms."

"I'm on the pill, you don't have nothing do you?"

"Nah, you the only person I went raw wit."

"Well what you waitin on?"

He didn't respond, but I felt his dick squeeze into me. It hurt like hell, but he went slow. "Shit, you tight." I bit my lip to hide the pain.

He slowly thrusted into me, until my face went from pain to pleasure and I started moaning. As time went on, his thrusts became faster.

"Fuck!" I moaned, and tried to move back, he was deep.

He pulled me back and climbed on top of me. "Whea you goin?" I didn't think it was possible for him to get deeper.

"N.. fuc.. Shit!" I couldn't get nothing out. He pulled out and took me to my bed.

He threw me on the bed, gently and had me get on all fours. He went in from the back.

He pulled my hair with one hand and gripped my waist and slapped my ass with the other.

"You gon tell me whea you was goin in thea?" He sped up.

"N... Dhikwhn... Fu... No-n... Nowhere!" I finally got out in between moans and screams.

He flipped us over, so that I was able to ride him. I positioned myself and started riding like a porn star. Since my ass was facing him, he had fun slapping it. Which only made me go faster.

I dropped into a split, and continued riding.

"Damn, Rel." He grunted. I turned around, keeping his dick in place, and leaned down to kiss him. He gripped my waist and made me ride him. When he saw I caught the hint, his hands dropped to my ass, gripping and smacking it every few seconds.

He flipped us back over, and started fucking me like he hated me. Deep, quick, and hard strokes. When I felt him swell, I knew why. Shit I was ready too.

"Its comin, whea you want it?" He grunted.

"I don't careeeeeeeee.... Yesssssss! Right there... Fuck!" He slipped a finger in me. "Donnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeee" I yelled as I squirted and he came too.

"Fuck!" He said as we rode out this orgasm.

He collapsed next to me. "I ain't came like that since us."

"Me either." I was still high off this orgasm.

"Get yo gorgeous ass up, Mani got practice." He kissed me. I got turned on all over again. I looked at the clock and smirked. 12:30.

"...or we can go again." I suggested, running my hands over his tattooed chest.

"Not until you answa my question." I was confused. "You still luh me?"

"What is love?" I mumbled out, I been asking myself that for 6 years.

"Me and you befo the bullshit." I looked at him surprised he heard me

He kissed me deep again. "Do you still luh me?" He asked after pulling away.

I nodded. "Yes, I do."

"Good, cause I want you to be mine again." He pulled me on top of him... Round two is a go!

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