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I didn't get any sleep last night, because of Lucas tellin me that he and Adonis would be at my store today. And I have to go since I didn't do what I was supposed to do yesterday, thanks to crazy bitch boy popping up.

I slowly pulled myself out of bed, and went to do my morning routine. I'm ready to get this day over with. I just hope Adonis doesn't say anything to me. I'm not ready. Just let Loco come in, I talk to him, let him see Mani, and I'll go back to my office, Adonis can come in at any point after that.

"Mommy?" Mani came in holding her la-la-loopsy doll, looking like she just woke up.

"Yes?" I yawned once I finished my hygiene.

"Can we go get pancakes?" I'm too tired to make breakfast, so that sounds good to me.

"Sure. Let's get dressed first though."

"Are we going to be twins?"

"If that's what you want." She nodded with a bright smile and we went to search for outfits, after making sure her morning hygiene was done.

We each wore a pair of leopard print pants, black shirt, and black flats with gold studs. I put our hair in neat buns and we were ready to go. It's clear that I didn't put too much thought into our appearance. Yes, we look presentable, but I'm sure something could've been done to make us look better, but I'm too tired for all that.

Once I found my keys and stuff, we left the house to go to ihop. I really need a nap more than anything. I might take one in my office while she's with her dad and so-called uncle.


"Oh! I almost forgot, I have a surprise for you today!" We were on the way to Child Of An Empire, that syrup woke me up a little, but I still need a nap.

"What is it?"

"You'll see when we get to work." She pouted, but the excitement in her eyes said something different.

We just listened to the radio the rest of the way back. I figured she was wracking her brain trying to guess her surprise.

This will be good for her, since she has been a little sad she couldn't meet Adonis just yet. I know her seeing them will bring a smile to her face. I'll watch the reaction from the camera set up in my office.

I'm just not ready to hear her talk about this non-stop...

"We're here." I snapped her out of her little daydream, and she smiled while taking her seatbelt off and rushing out the car.

I shook my head, and glanced at an unfamiliar car parked a few spaces down. Guess they're here as well.

"Relly B!"

"Lukey!" I laughed, knowing he hated the nickname.

"Whea my niece since you wanna play"

"Mani!!" She probably went to mess with Danielle. I was right, both of them came to the front, and Lucas cleared his throat. Guess he's still a hopeless romantic.

"Mani, this is your dad's best friend, Lu..." He cut me off by nudging my side. "You tell her what to call you."

"You can call me Uncle Loc." I rolled my eyes.

"Danielle, Loco. Loco, Danielle. She's my business partner and he was and probably will always be my headache."

"Why the name Loco?"

"Cause something wrong with him." He mugged me.

"It was the first Spanish word I remembered outside of mama, papa, and sí."

"Soooooo.... Did my daddy come with you?" Mani asked with a hopeful look.

"I think so, let me go check." He jogged out of the store.

"Can you keep an eye out for her? I'm sleepy and need to handle some business really quickly."

"I peep what's going on, but I got you." I thanked her and rushed to my office.

I pulled up the monitor for the camera just in time to see Adonis walk in and Mani face light up. She ran to him, and hugged his legs. He picked her up with a smile and hugged her back. I smiled at the sight and started working.


I was in the design room with Tracy, when Mani came down. She and Adonis had been in the playroom all morning.

"Hey. Did you like your surprise?"

"Yes! But... Daddy wanted to know if I could go with him and Uncle Loc to the park and to get food."

"Uh...Yeah, but come with me first." She nodded and we went to my office. She has a firefly phone, its made for kids, and she can only call 3 people on it: me, my dad, and the police.

"Here, if something happens call me, papa, or the police. Ok?" I handed her the phone, and she nodded excitedly.

She put it in her pocket, and hugged my legs. "Thank you, mommy! Love you." I squatted down to her level and kissed her forehead before hugging her.

"I love you too bambina (baby girl). Have fun and be good."

"I will, I promise!" She pinky swore me, kissed my cheek and ran out.

I know that's her dad, and I still trust him, but I'm kinda nervous about letting her go with him. Don't think I'm being like this because of our past, I went through the same thing the first time I left her with my dad. I feel this way every time someone keeps her for the first time. That's my baby, and I'll always worry like hell about her.

Amani is my everything, and my greatest accomplishment is being able to call myself her mom. I'll kill anybody for her, and lay my life on the line if it means protecting her. You can call me Katniss Everdeen because I will always 'volunteer as tribute.'

I'll do any and everything for her to see her smile, even if it means I gotta lose sleep or face people/things I'm not ready to face. I'll make it happen some kind of way, that's for sure.

To keep myself from going mental and following them, I decided to go back to working on something, anything really.

"Sooooo what's up with 'Loco?'" I shook my head, I see I'm not the only one who has a thing for New Orleans boys.

"I don't know. Up until yesterday, I hadn't seen him in almost 6 years."

"What was he like?"

"Girl! Just ask em for his number when they get back." It was kind of slow in here right now, but I was still trying to busy myself until Mani gets back.

She was contemplating on something, anytime she gets quiet and gnaws at her bottom lip, she is thinking hard about something. And that's exactly what she's doing.

"Last time I checked, there were only two types of females he really liked: brown skins with pretty hair and pretty faces with pretty eyes."

"He was attracted to you?" I laughed and nodded my head.

"Yeah, but that's the past now. Talk to em when he gets back. He been eyeing you all day, from what I saw on the monitors."

"You lying?"

"Nope. I peeped game the moment he cleared his throat, signaling he wanted me to introduce you two."

"Oh shit now! I like em foreign." I laughed and went back to work.

I'm not about to deal with her foolishness.

When she was out of my sight, my mind drifted back to Mani. I hope she's having fun...

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