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Do you want a sequel? Yes or no? :'D

"Aye Lia, come eat." Adonis rudely barged into my room.

Yes, he's here. Mani has been begging for him to come back, so here he is. He's been here for about a week, give or take.

"Good morning to you too, punk." At least I know why Mani is an early bird. I lazily made my way out the bed.

"Yeah, yeah whateva. Hurry up fo the food get cold." He walked out. I shook my head, and made it to the bathroom.

After finishing up, I went downstairs to the dining room where the partners in crime sat conversing about some cartoon movie she's going to see with Gabby and Camilla.

...that means I'm here with Adonis all day. Yay me. Peep the sarcasm.

"You wake me up to come eat, but I have to fix my own plate. Should've just left sleep." I mumbled the last sentence as I walked out.

No reason for me to be up this early. Amani took her bath last night, as well as picked out her outfit. Milla has a key to my house, she would've woke me up to let me know she was leaving. Adonis was here in the mean time. I don't even work today since Mani has practice once they leave the movies, and her bag is always packed for that.

"Mornin grinch!" Adonis walked in with his and Mani's plates from their breakfast.

I ignored him and continued fixing my plate. French toast sticks and sausage links, Mani's favorite.

"Oh you ignorin me, now? You ungrateful!" I know him well enough to know that he's joking. Just trying to get me to say something to him.

I walked passed him and went into the living room.

"Morning mommy." She smiled at me.

"Morning Mani." I returned her smile.

"Mornin Relly B." He sat next to me, I ignored him again.

"Daddy, did you make mommy mad again?" He might be her new found best friend, but she gon always have my back no matter what. The feeling is mutual though.

"Nah. Ya mama just childish."

"No she not, what you do to her?" She forced her way in between us. Thank you, Mani.


"Mommy, what he do to you?" She looked at me with innocent eyes.

"He called me the grinch." Thought she was gonna give herself whiplash as quick as she snapped her head in his direction.

"Why you call mommy that? The grinch is mean and ugly. Mommy is pretty and nice. You gotta say sorry."

"Ok. Aurelia Mariella Bellini, I am so sorry fa callin you a grinch. You are not mean and ya far from ugly. Can you ever fa give me?"

I smiled. "Was that so hard?"

"Wait. Mani, what's ya middle name again?"

"Donielle, why?"

"Hol'on. Rel, whea that name come from?"

"Well she was determined to come into the world because she came like a week early, and she was being stubborn, because no matter what they did she wouldn't cry at first. Donielle means stubborn and determined. Plus we call you Don and my best friend's name is Danielle."

It was his turn to smile. "So even though she don't have my last name, you still found a way ta name ha afta me, you are nice after all." I stale faced him, he can be such a pain in the ass sometimes.

"Way to ruin a moment."

UmiZoomi Milly😂🚗- I'm pulling in the driveway now


"Mani, Milly pulling up now. You got all your stuff together?" She ran upstairs, I guess to get her gym bag.

Don't judge Camilla's name in my phone, Amani is the one who came up with the idea since she does call her 'Milly,' but one day I was changing numbers in my phone or something, and Team UmiZoomi was on, and that was the day Mani said she was gon call Camilla, 'Milly.' It's stuck ever since.

"Morning, Family!" Camilla walked straight into the kitchen. Fat ass.

"Morning!" I yelled back when Gabby came walking in. "Mani is in her room." She nodded and went to find her best friend and favorite cousin.

"Mani had to have been in charge of breakfast." Milla came out with a plate.

"Of course. Whateva my baby girl wants, she gets."

"Yall two gon go broke thinking like that about her little spoiled ass."

"I know you not talking, you take Gabby on a shopping spree every week, and if you don't, y'all in the store getting pampered."

"Ok, you may have won this battle, but you will not win the war, Bellini."

"We have the same last name, though."

"Aye, homie. What's your last name?"

"Carter, why?"

"Lia, from now on whenever I decide to talk to you by last name, I'm calling you Carter, ok? Ok."

"But you talk to his brother, sooooo.... Shouldn't you be 'Carter'?"

"You the famous Camilla he can't and won't shut up about?"

"Gabby! Mani! Y'all come on!" She tried to dismiss the question.

"You gon answa my question?" All could be heard were little feet running towards us.

"I will. Yes, this is Alex future girlfriend, she just has relationship anxiety right now, but I must say he has gotten further than any other dude who wanted to talk to her."

"Embarrassing, just like your daughter." She said right before they came down.

I laughed. "Have fun!"

"Yeah, y'all too. Just not too much. We don't need another version of Lia and Mani." She, Don, and I laughed before her and the little ones walked out.

"Oh yeah! Reminder, they are dancing tomorrow." Camilla came back in.

"I know, she's been talking about it all week. I'll be up there when practice starts." She nodded before walking back out again.

A whole day with Adonis, this is gonna be interesting. It hasn't just been the two of us in a room since our talk we had about 3 weeks ago. He and Mani has been practically inseparable since he landed. She said he had 5 years to make up for, clearly she meant it.

2 o'clock really needs to hurry up...

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