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"Hello" I balanced my phone between my ear and shoulder as I went through some files.

"She has time for me! Alert the media, Aurellia Bellini has time for Armond Bellini." I laughed at that, something is wrong with this man.

"Always got time for you."

"Yeah, that explains why I haven't seen you since father's day."

"What can I say, my daughter and I are very busy people."

"Speaking of which, where is she?"

"I see what this is, you only called to talk to her. Well, she's with Adonis at the moment." He gasped over dramatically. I don't know who's worse, my dad or my daughter.

"You sent her to New Orleans?"

"No he came here to handle that little problem I had."

"Even after you disappeared on him, he still has your back. Y'all might as well get back together."

"They handled that, his best friend told me they would be back today to see Mani."

"Don't be ignoring my words."

"She had been wanting to meet him since she met Diana and Alex, so I had no problem with it. I did give her that firefly phone to take with her."

"Oh yeah, how are you holding up, knowing you can't be more than 5 feet from her."

"Very funny, but I threw myself into work, to calm down."

"Where'd he take her?"

"Park and to get something to eat."

"He doesn't know his way around here."

"Danielle told me, they asked her for directions. She sent them to Mani's favorite park."

"I know you went into full panic mode then" he laughed.

"I'm glad you find this amusing."

"I'm just saying. You leave her with people you trust, and the second she's out of your sight, you panic and worry like she's just been kidnapped." I sighed in defeat, knowing he was right.

I can't help it, 98% of the time she's right there with me. If not, I can guarantee she's not too far away. So I worry about her, until she's back in my presence.

"Sorry for being a concerned parent."

"Its ok to be concerned, but if you trust the person with your life, you should be able to trust them with Mani's. Especially Adonis, he didn't even let you sleep on the streets and he didn't know you from a hole in the wall."

"True, but I can't really help it. Working helped this time since I didn't do it yesterday. I had an unwanted visitor drop by."

"Who? Adonis?"

"Nope, the same person who trashed my store, but luckily Adonis and his best friend were already here, so they took care of it. I just hope he's out of my hair for good."

"Hope we not talking death."

"Not really, he does have a child, I just want him to get the picture and leave me alone."

"Oh, well you're not as crazy as we thought." He joked.

"Thanks for the faith."

"Never a problem."

I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, I have some work I'm behind on, so we will talk to you later."

"Yeah, go ahead and rush me off the phone. Love you, bambina."

"Love you too, papà." My dad, and his parents are full Italian, so growing up I had to learn Italian, since my grandmother wasn't very fluent in English. That's something my father teaches Mani every time she goes over there.

Anyway, after we hung up, I went back to working.


"Girl, I don't know where you keep finding these sexy ass niggas at, but the next time you take a trip, invite me." Crystal finally caught up to me while I was working in the stock room.

"All of them are from New Orleans."

"Girls trip down there or nah?" She asked as Danielle approached us.

"They're back, and Mani just looks like she has a lot to tell you." Danielle said before grabbing my hand and leading me to the front.

I was checking inventory, and looking over some new designs for both the summer and fall seasons.

"My baby is back!" I smiled when I saw her.

"Mommy! I had a lot of fun today with daddy and Uncle Loc."

"You did?" She nodded, and I picked her up. "I missed you though."

"You always miss me" she giggled and kissed my cheek.

"Did you tell daddy thank you?" I glanced over at him.

"Yes! And he got me popeye's!"

"Of course he did." I smirked then looked at him. "Thank you for making sure she had fun."

"Nah. Thank you fa lettin me spend time wit ha."

Loc walked in before I could respond. "How dare y'all leave me in that extra hot car. You foul, bruh. Mani, I thought we was betta than that."

"You messed up my solo asking me questions about..." He cut her sentence short.

"Ok, ok, we even now." What's that about?

"Auntie Dani, Uncle Loc had a lot questions about you." She stuck her tongue out at him. Aww I knew they liked each other.

"Looks like everybody has something to talk about." Danielle looked at Loco, then me and Adonis before she walked off.

"Mommy, can I have daddy's last name?" That caught me off guard.

"I have no problem with it, but where'd that question come from?" I looked at Adonis after putting Mani down.

"Ok! Y'all need ta stop wit these eyes. I was just wonderin what ha whole name was. Then I asked if she wanted mine, she didn't care as long as it was easier ta say than Bellini." I shook my head.

"How long you here?"

"Today only."

"I would have to set up an appointment to change her name." He nodded, we might as well have this conversation now. No point in waiting a month.


"Since you're here, let's talk. Mani, go see if you can help Ms. Tracy in the design room, I'll be in my office." She nodded and left, I made Adonis follow me to my office.


Short chapter I know, but I wanted to have the "talk" from his pov

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