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"...and you have to call me everyday, and you gotta ask mommy if daddy can call me too. I like talking to him." I was walking downstairs and heard Mani giving out demands.

Today was the day that Mama Di and Alex went back to NOLA. Mani doesn't want them to leave, can't say I disagree with her, it has been fun having them around.

On the bright side I can now satisfy my own seafood cravings. Mama Diana has been teaching me as many of her recipes as possible over the past few days, and for that I'm thankful.

"I've served this country fa almost 7 years, and this has been my most exhaustin experience yet." I laughed at Alex who was slowly pulling his bags towards the door.

"Welcome to my world."

"Mama, if I was anything like Mani as a child, I apologize." He turned to Mama Di who was still in deep conversation with Mani.

"What did I do?" Mani scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion.

"Nothing all kids don't do, baby." Mama Diana told her and they went back to their conversation.

"I can't wait til you let Don spend a day wit ha, that might be the day his lil ass sleep 8 hours." I laughed while shaking my head

"He gon wake up panicking if he does sleep that long." If he gets more than 4 hours of sleep, he assumes something happened and that he missin out on money.

"At least he'll be well rested."

"Yeah, and he gon make up for that lost time."

"True, but lemme go grab this otha bag, and then I'll be ready." I nodded and he went upstairs, while I went to grab a bottle of water.


"Call me when yall land and when y'all make it home safe." I told Mama Di and Alex when we pulled up to the airport. She said she would, and they grabbed their bags.

"Love y'all, see y'all later. I'll talk to you later, Amani." Mama Diana said after grabbing her bags and getting out.

"We love you too, Nanny!" Mani beamed.

"Quick question befoe I go." Alex said before gettin out the car. I turned my head so that he'd know he had my attention. "What up wit Camilla." I smiled hard at that, Alex has a crush on my big cousin, that's cute.

"She's a single mother, her daughter's father passed away during a high speed chase gone wrong about 3 years ago. I'll talk to her for you." He smiled.

"Thanks Lia! Love y'all, talk ta y'all lata." He rushed inside the airport.

"Let's get you to dance practice." I told Mani as we pulled off.

"Can we go down there to visit them one day?"

"Yeah, but I have to go first and talk to your daddy, and then I'll take you."

"You're taking forever!!! Can you go talk to him today?" She pouted.

"I know baby girl, but I have to get myself ready to face him again after such a long time."

"Ok." She sighed. She'll cheer up once she goes to practice.


"What got into Mani today, she killed it out there." Milla told me after the little kids practice was over.

"She's ready for me to talk to Adonis and she wants to go to New Orleans pretty soon."

"Spoiled ass. She's frustrated because she gotta wait for something for the first time in her life." I laughed, somebody forever calling my baby spoiled.

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