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Annoying Bitch😠😒- when will I see you?

Annoying Bitch😠😒- are you coming back to Houston anytime soon?

Annoying Bitch😠😒- I miss you, gorgeous

Annoying Bitch😠😒- what if I told you I was in San Diego as of yesterday?

Annoying Bitch😠😒- we should go out, how does tonight at 8 sound?

Tonight at 8? sounds like he should leave me the fuck alone. This nigga been textin my phone non-stop. Bitch! I ain't replied to NONE of your messages, why are you still hittin my line?

If you haven't guessed by now, that's Devin annoying ass. I swear I get at least 3 messages and 2 phone calls from him a day, that should be a hint that you should stop trying.

Last time I talked to him, he was on that controlling shit, and that ain't something I fuck wit. He was trying to tell me how to raise my daughter. Nigga! I been a parent for 5 years, I got this shit under control, you can't tell me shit if your child ain't even 1 yet. Talkin about we should get together, so he can be the father in Mani's life, because a man should be raising her to stay away from boys and to discipline her, and that I need to stop spoiling her so much.

Nigga had my life completely fucked up! Mani has several father figures in her life, mainly my dad, my G, and Danielle's brother, Daniel. As well as a host of cousins and uncles. My child is completely fine, and I don't need him trying to change shit that's been working. As the saying goes, 'why fix something that isn't broke?'

The only person that I MIGHT listen to about changing my parental ways is Adonis, and that's not even a guarantee. His ass ain't been there either, but he's still her 'dad.'

Let me calm down though, nigga ruining my mood and shit, I got work to do.


"Good morning" I beamed once I walked in the kitchen. I had calmed down from that lil bitch this morning.

"Morning, your plate is in the microwave." Mama D said. I smelt breakfast as soon as I got up to take care of my morning hygiene.

"Thank you, you keep feeding me like this and I'm never letting you go back to NOLA" I joked, heating up my plate.

She laughed. "It's the least I could do, since you're letting us stay longer than planned."

"Please, it's the least I can do after all you've done for me in the past."

"Now you know, you're the daughter I never had."

"Nanny! Mommy!" Amani came runnin into the kitchen out of breath, what the hell is she up to now?

"Yes baby girl?" I asked taking my plate out the microwave. Bacon, eggs, grits, strawberry pancakes, and a strawberry muffin. Nope, it's settled, she can't leave now.

"Uncle Al and I have something to show you. Follow me, please" she said before walking out. I bet you I grabbed this plate though. We followed her into the living room where Alex was laid out on the floor, looking exhausted.

"Need some water?" I asked concerned and confused.

"I got a bottle in hea somewhea." Mani grabbed it and handed it to him. He gulped down half the bottle, and stood up.

"Ready?" Mani asked. I was trying to give them my complete attention, but this food is givin me life right now. That was until I heard the beat to 'watch me' by Silento. This is gon be interesting.

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