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When we got ta Rel stoe, I felt like a lil bitch. I ain't even wanna get out the car, my hands got sweaty, and I got scared. Loco saw all'at and been ribbin me since. He got out and went inside, and left me ta myself fa a few minutes.

I had finally calmed down a lil, when I saw a car pull up and Mani hopped out. Got nervous all ova again. And it doubled when Rel got out the car. A few mo minutes, and I'll be good.

"Get ya punk ass out the car." I zoned out, so I ain't even seem em walk out the sto.

"Aight... Hea I come." I sat thea and then got out. I watched a nigga get decapitated without flinchin, but I can't go face Rel and Mani? Damn this really make it seem like I'm a thug wannabe.

"Daddy!" I heard befoe my legs were attacked. I reached down and picked Mani up with a smile on my face. Damn! She look like Rel.

"I guess you was right. You are mommy's twin."

"I know, we even have on the same thing today, too!" She hugged my neck. "I love you daddy" she said befoe pullin away.

"I love you too, baby girl."

"Well, this is a nice little family reunion, but I gotta get ready for business." I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Oh. My bad, I'm Adonis." I introduced myself, stretchin my hand out.

"I figured, but I'm Danielle, Lia's best friend and business partner." She shook my hand befoe turning ta Mani. "Be good, and don't be using your favorite weapon." She warned, and I grew confused.

"...but this is my daddy, I can use it on him." She laughed then hid ha face in my neck.

"Them eyes, watch out for em. She worse than Lia." Danielle warned us.

"Yeah, I heard bout em. Lord grant me the strength." I mumbled that last sentence, but I heard Danielle laugh befoe she walked off.

"So, what you wanna do?"

"I like to play in the playroom while mommy works, and mommy calls me a 'selfie princess' since I'm always taking pictures of me." She giggled. I put ha down.

"Ok, we'll do whateva you wanna do now."

"Follow me!" She skipped ahead.

"Yall have fun, imma look around." Loc said lookin back in the direction Danielle walked towards. I shook my head, he know damn well he ain't lookin fa nothin except ha numba.

Wonda whea Rel went to... I shook the thought and followed Mani ta the playroom.

I know I'm gon be tired as hell when I leave hea... All day wit an energetic 5 year old? Let's get this day started.


"Can we go to the park?" Mani asked afta hours of playin and takin pictures.

"I don't know whea it's at."

"Auntie Dani and mommy know where it's at."

"Well how bout you ask mommy if you can go to the park, and I'll ask Danielle whea it's at."

"Ok." We walked out the playroom, and she ran to some otha girl. "Crystal! Do you know where mommy is?"

"Downstairs in the design room." Mani ran off, and I found Loc bein a creep, so Danielle some whea round hea.

"We bout ta head ta the park, you goin or you gon keep bein a creep?"

"Imma go, it's too many single mamas in hea tryna get me ta play daddy ta they baby."

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