chapter 2 Even it is a dream I don't care

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Eliza heard a voice. Her senses were not yet clear. It is the voice of a car. People murmuring. What confused Eliza. Is she alive? But how ? losingn’t she lost her last breath just now? The feeling was so real that she couldn’t deny it. The pain was so clear. Her senses start taking place. She became conscious at one point and started opening her eyes. When she opened her eyes, what she sawed caused confused and shocked for a while. She sat on her bed and started observing her surroundings. What she saw was a very cute clean room, with white and royal blue paint on the wall. Furniture is also according to both these colors. But there are cute little stationery on the desks with different colors. There are books and notebooks on a small bookshelf. With pink, blue, purple, and many colors. On the right side there is a window from which a very pleasant sunlight is coming. The light white chiffon curtains create a beautiful illusion of peace. She lost herself for a while. But when she looked down, she was sitting on a one-person bed, the bedding a mixture of royal blue and white, and there were pillows that the cover covers made of crochet work. When Eliza saw it she smiled unconsciously. And a tear dropped from her eyes. How can she forget this beautiful place? This place was her heavenly ones, but she lost it because of her unworthy pride. How much she misses this place? How much she prays and regrets no one knows. Even if it is a dream, she is so thankful to God. In her whole life she never blames God for anything, because she knows that everything happens is all because of her. No one was responsible for that. But after all this, if God is showing her a miracle, so it is far better any heaven. Her death was real. She can’t deny it. But what she is sensing now is hard to deny it as well. While she was pondering over these thoughts, her room door opened. What she doing made her so shocked that she thought she would stop breathing for a while. In front of her a beautiful opening is coming. Smiling at her is so beautiful. Wearing a jumpsuit, her hair is tied into a bun. A beautiful pink scrunchies is tied on her right hand. A total model in Eliza's eyes. This beautiful lady is Eliza's elder sister Hazel, who is 4 years older than her. Hazel smiled but did not come near to Eliza’s bed and go directly towards the desk and started picking up the books and setting them on the bookshelf while talking. “Liza, why are you not getting up. Are you not excited about your results? Get up mother, cook your favorite breakfast today, hurry up” while Hazel is taking all this time. Eliza was looking at her. That her is pretty her, but she was not like that last time when she saw her with open eyes. A pretty face had lost its light at that time. No cheerful voice was there, it felt like she had become mute. But now her sis is there like she used to be. Before there was misfortune. Hazel stops talking and came near Eliza, touching her forehead. There was worry on her face, she asked softly. “Dear, are you alright? Why are your eyes red hmm?” Eliza blinked and smiled and said“No nothing, I was just excited about the results!”Hazel smiled and said went downstairs, and she went outside and closed the door. Eliza felt Hazel’s soft touch. It was real, she was not a dream. Such a big miracle. She was alive and somehow had come back to the time before their misfortune somehow. But how ? Actually, she doesn’t care. No matter what the reason was she really didn’t want to know if it is an illusion that is also okay for her. She is so thankful that she got a chance to experience her lost life. She got up and went to the bathroom after fleshing up and went downstairs. The Eliza family and the Wilson family have a. Two-storey houses. That have total 6 rooms 4 upstairs which the family use and 2 downstairs which is used for guests. The kitchen and dining room and TV launch are also downstairs. Near love near a busy street. There is also one extra room which you can get out of the house easily. Mrs Wilson uses it as a sewing room. She sews clothes with Hazel for the people of neighbor by order. When Eliza went downstairs and was greeted by her mother and sister's sweet smile. Eliza took full control of her emotions and acted like nothing was happening. She smiled playfully like a young girl and sits on a chair. Her father and brother were not at home. They went out early because of their work. Eliza playfully said.“Wow! Lucky I's get a chance to eat to lady Mrs Wilson Lady breakfast 😁 let me kiss your hands lady” Mrs Wilson smiled and said.“Okay, no more drama. Hurry up and help us in the sewing room.”Eliza raised her hand and saluted like an obedient soldier.“Okay, Captain” Hazel is also eating her breakfast and laughing at their role, play. Her sis Hazel was a very innocent type of person, sweet, shy, lovely, beautiful. But some people take it for granted and hurt her. Eliza's eyes darkened. She promised if she saw those people. She is going to make their life a hell for sure because who hurt her sister. Suddenly, Hazel's phone rang. Which tale Eliza out of her thinking. Hazel picked up the phone and said,“Yes dear! Regina, so what is the news??”

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