chapter 27 From Cold Shoulder to Curious Glance

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When Arthur walked out of the library, he looked down at the book in his hand and stopped walking. The book was indeed a tragic romance, something Arthur never even imagined reading. But again, the first thought that came to Arthur's mind was what Eliza was thinking about him? Eliza didn't show any reaction when she checked his library card. But Arthur couldn't stop thinking about it. What was Eliza thinking about him? Did she think he also liked novels, especially romance novels like most girls? Was she laughing at him secretly? Was she thinking what a weirdo he was? Arthur felt embarrassed, he didn't know why. He thought the cool, smart character he built to show in front of everyone dropped in front of Eliza. He had no interest in reading those types of books, but then again, he was embarrassed to go back to the library and return the book. Actually, no, he was more embarrassed to face Eliza. Arthur didn't know why he cared about Eliza's thoughts. Weren't they just strangers? Just because Eliza didn't focus on him, he was starting to think about her? Was that strange? Arthur thought. But he felt there was always something he was missing.

When Arthur reached the gate of the university, his phone rang. When he picked it up, his mother was on the call. She jokingly said to him, "Did you find me a daughter-in-law yet or not?" Actually, Arthur only had one older brother; he didn't have any sisters. Arthur did have many cousins, but their families weren't very close. So, Arthur's mother always urged his elder brother and him to find daughters-in-law for her. Arthur also laughed and said, as a joke, that yeah, he found her, but she was only in his dreams and didn't want to come out from there. They laughed for a while, and his mother told him not to forget to come home on the weekend. Arthur promised, then walked towards his apartment.

After a while, he reached his compound and got into the elevator. Then, when the elevator reached the 5th floor, Arthur came out and walked towards his apartment.

Arthur walks into his fancy apartment. The big living room has shiny floors, high ceilings, and huge windows with a great view. The comfy couch and chair are arranged nicely around a fancy table. The walls have nice pictures, and a beautiful light fixture hangs from the ceiling, making the room look warm and cozy.

Arthur takes a deep breath, feeling the stress of the day melt away. He walks over to the window and gazes out at the city skyline, taking in the twinkling lights. He notices the sun setting behind the skyscrapers, casting a warm orange glow over the room. As he turns away from the window, he notices the soft music playing in the background and the delicious smell of dinner wafting from the kitchen. His stomach growls in anticipation. He heads towards the kitchen, curious about what his personal chef has prepared for him tonight.**

Arthur's mother hired a well-known chef for Arthur because he had to stay away from home so much. Mrs. Morales was worried about her son's diet. She only had two sons, and she loved them very much. Arthur knew his mother's nature, so he never stopped her from doing things. It wasn't like Mrs. Morales always interfered in her sons' lives; she showed her motherly love in some ways.

On the other hand, Eliza was confused because of Arthur's behavior. He wasn't like this in their past lives. In their past life, Arthur didn't talk to Eliza, and after a month or so, he started showing Eliza a cold shoulder. He also sometimes talked to Maria pleasantly, at least more pleasantly than Eliza. But in this life, everything was different. Eliza tried to ignore it at first, but she kept noticing Arthur's gaze on her in class time to time. It seemed like Arthur wanted to start a conversation with her somehow. Eliza didn't know why. And in this life, he also didn't talk to Maria at all, which was quite confusing. Wasn't Maria from their own class, wealthy, gentle, and so on, for now at least? Even if Maria tried to go towards Arthur, Arthur might not consider her a gold digger. The tag of "gold digger" was only for women who didn't come from a rich background. Her success, her smartness, her achievements didn't come into the eyes of others. They only saw the "not coming from a rich family" part, so she must be hungry for money. How strange were the two standards of the world?

Eliza didn't want to do anything with those rich families; she didn't want to be part of that high society. But Arthur's behavior was still confusing her. Eliza wished that he would ignore her and show her the cold shoulder like in their past life, but he wasn't doing the same thing. And his extra attention towards her was making Eliza uncomfortable. Is it a hope, a useless hope like the last life? Eliza didn't know what type of name she had to give this feeling. But for now, she wished to stay away from Arthur and Maria. Even if it was true or not, in the last life, there were rumors that Arthur liked Maria once. But Arthur's rich background was hidden, so people thought that Arthur wasn't rich, which is why he didn't confess his feelings. And Maria got engaged to another rich man.

Even though it was a very confusing thing, if Arthur really liked Maria in the last life, why wouldn't he tell her about his background early? In that case, Maria and he could have easily gotten together from the beginning. Why would he let another man get engaged to his beloved? Whatever the reason, because Arthur never said this himself, and Eliza also saw Arthur's engagement news on TV with another rich woman, after a long time after Eliza and Arthur's engagement was broken. But she didn't care about this. And Eliza wished Arthur would stop confusing her in this life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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