chapter 12 Like brother like sister Passion comes first 😆

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The next morning Hazel get ready for her work.Hazel is wearing a white button-down shirt with a pair of brown pants. The shirt is untucked and the sleeves are rolled up to the elbows. The pants are high-waisted and have a relaxed fit. She is wearing a pair of brown leather loafers and a brown leather handbag with a gold chain strap. The outfit is simple and casual, but it is also stylish and professional. It is perfect for Hazel’s first day of work as a fashion designer. This outfit also go well with her new hair cut. After eating her breakfast she went to her work. Mr Wilson also went to his work. Adam also a police officer can’t be in home so he also left after eating his breakfast. Eliza wake up late. Her mother serves her breakfast then after eating breakfast Eliza went to kitchen. Eliza want to learn few more dishes from her mother. And in that case she can spend more time with her mother. In her last life Eliza want these her life a lot she really want to spend time with her family. However her all family members die expect her mother who was in mental hospital. So she can’t even spend time with her mother even if she wanted to. On the other hand when Hazel reached her company. She saw Sofia get out from a expensive car. When she saw Hazel she cheer up and come to hug Hazel. Hazel felt uncomfortable because after seeing them like that who is going to think. That Sofia is her boss. In last month when Hazel was learning about the company’s factory product she meet Sofia a lot during that time. So she and Sofia become very close. For Hazel Sofia was a very good person. After Regina betrayal as a friend Hazel can’t believe people easily. However Sofia treats Hazel as a best friend who lost connection for many years and suddenly meet. T Hazel seriously don’t understand Sofia’s mindset. Sometimes she act so childish especially in front of Hazel. People will think how can she be a big fashion company owner. However in front of others Sofia become very strict and very professional. Hazel don’t know why in front of her Sofia act very childish. This boss is seriously out of Hazel’s mind. They both enter the company. Sofia cheerfully take Hazel to her new office which was very big. "Here it is, Hazel!" Sofia chirped, pushing open the door. Hazel, eyes wide, stepped into a room like a rainbow exploded. Sunlight splashed on a giant picture wall – pretty clothes, cool fabrics, even funny drawings – all the ideas for their next big hit!In the middle, a table overflowed with colorful pictures of clothes, some fancy, some just quick ideas. Next to it, a rack held tons of different fabrics – soft and smooth, stiff and crisp, all waiting to be turned into something amazing. In the corner, a fake person stood ready to wear Hazel’s designs. “This is your inspiration wall," Sofia said, pointing at the picture explosion. "And your dress-up friend over there." She winked at the fake person. Last, she pointed to a comfy chair. "For when your brain needs a break to dream up even cooler stuff!"Sofia grinned. "So, Hazel, ready to turn this room into next season’s hottest clothes?" Hazel’s smile matched the colorful room. "Absolutely, Sofia! Let’s do it!" Hazel was so excited the hurly went to her desk and start work. Seeing this Sofia smile and think Sofia you get a very talented and hardworking designer to you. No one can stop you anymore. Sofia was actually a very moody person. She know one someone is rich people try to please them in very way. However Hazel was a very different creation. She always lost in her own work. The passion for her work can be seen in her eyes. Actually Sofia take some designs from Hazel. When she just give rough details about their up coming designs the reason was very huge. People really liked Hazel designs. Even Sofia’s rich friends request her about the final release date of these designs. However when Sofia share this news with Hazel her reaction was just I see I am happy. Seems like this little friend don’t want fame she just like to design. So Sofia get attracted to her more and more. Sofia really liked her new designer very much. And she believes that Hazel is going to get famous very soon. Mr Wilson went to hotel this new hotel was much more bigger then the country side hotel. It is kind of 5 stars hotel. Mostly wealthy people came to this hotel. Eliza father Mr Edward Wilson is a very professional person. This new environment don’t effect him at all. He did his work very calmly. The other employees also respect him as a elder and as well as a senior. Adam on the other hand get really busy. He was assigned as the assistant under a chief investigator Mr Roberts Miller. He was a very strict boss very professional. However hard to deal with Adam admires him a lot but he admire his bike more then Mr Millers. Mr Millers have a killer bike that take Adam’s breath. When ever Adam go to office he first admire Mr Millers bike then go inside. Sometimes he got scolded because of coming late but Adam can’t stop himself. Today as well when Adam was admiring the bike. Mr Miller was watching him from a window with another officer. The officer said seems like your new kid admire your bike more then you. Mr Millers laugh he knows Adam was a very hardworking and smart kid but his passion and love for bikes is more then his hardworking. Mr Millers think one-day what if sell him for a bike hahah. Eliza and her mother we’re cooking when Nick came he eat lunch in their house. He is a very nice kid he also help them in kitchen. And show Eliza lots of his vlogs. When Eliza notice that in many places he give his personal information. The Eliza told him not to do it again. Like a good kid Nick promise that he is going to not search his personal information anymore.

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