chapter 10 Moving towards new Destiny

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These incidents seems like enlightened the Wilson family. Eliza was also not that much smart to understand human twisted nature if she had not dies ones and then reborn. Regina’s jealousy was totally unreasonable. She was rich and her father can bought him designs all well but she still choice to harm Hazel. Who treated her like a sister. Wilson family was totally disappointed by these things maybe these incidents don’t let them trust easily in the future. The next morning Hazel get ready to interview. She choice the Company which don’t give Regina their business card. Hazel don’t want to get mix with Regina anymore. So she think it is a beat choice. She choice the SFG company ( Shine Fine Garments). Today Hazel is wearing a stylish and coordinated outfit. She has on a light blue blouse with a ruffled or pleated front and a pointed collar. The blouse has long sleeves that are cuffed at the wrists. Around her waist, she wears a brown belt with a gold buckle, which cinches the blouse to define her waistline. She is also wearing high-waisted denim jeans in a classic blue color. The jeans are cuffed at the bottom, revealing her ankles. On her feet, she has a pair of blue low-heeled shoes with a bow detail on the top. Completing her outfit, she wears a blue cap that matches her shoes, giving her a coordinated look. Her accessories include a pair of simple, round earrings and a watch or bracelet on her left wrist. Adam already left for the city. Eliza asked Hazel did she need her to go with her? Go Hazel said not because she want to take her first steps towards her dream alone. Eliza is proud of her sister. So Eliza went to Alice’s house. Because she want to talk to Mary. After all Mary needs to come as soon as possible. Actually Mary was also completing her medical studies out of the city. Eliza don’t know why both sisters like to become doctors. Maybe it is considered an honourable job. Well Hazel went to the place where the interview is going to held. When she reached there and went inside the room. She saw a familiar face. The woman who give her the business card. She seems to be the owner of SFG company owners. When that woman saw Hazel she smiled and welcome Hazel. She asked her few question and in last asked her her reason to join their company. Hazel gives her a very simple answer that because they don’t give their business card to Regina. SFG company owner smiles. She got it right. She saw in the competition that both participant 4 and participant 10 have some conflicts. As a woman she can’t miss that things. And she also liked Hazel designs very much so she don’t want to lose Hazel. And she also don’t like conflicts in her company. So that is why she don’t give her business card to Regina. It was a risk indeed but risks are very common in business. She introduced herself as Sofia Whitelock. While they were having their conversation. The FKL company already selected Regina as one of their designers. They were little regrettable. That Hazel don’t come to visit them. However they had to choose someone so Regina was the second best choice. On the other hand Eliza and Alice were having a pleasant conversation. And Eliza insist to talk to Mary. So they video call Mary. Mary talk to them happily. During their conversation Eliza jokily talk about Adam. Mary face change, there is some sadness in her eyes. However Eliza continue and said that how they all mistake Adam’s class fellow as his girlfriend. However she wasn’t. And how Adam got embarrassed. When Mary here that her eyes glow. There comes a sweet smile on her face. However Alice interfere and said brother Adam is very handsome. So he is going to get a girlfriend very soon. And also he is becoming a police man so the chances are double. When Mary heard that she panicked. Eliza notice that. And deliberately told them the story of Lily. That how Adam save her and she come to visit him but unfortunately not able to meet him because he was not in home on that time. Mary face change to happiness to fear. And she suddenly told them that her studies are almost complete. So she is going to return very soon maybe the next month. Eliza notice her hurry so she joke with her. And tell her that they don’t let Adam to get any girlfriend. When she came they all then allow him to get one. So everyone can see his relationship to bloom. Mary was still thankful for Eliza joke even it was a fake hope. Mary liked Adam since childhood. Eliza know that how much Mary like Adam. Even in last life when Adam lost one of his leg. Mary still come to visit him. Even though her own condition was not good. She keep telling Eliza tha if she need any help she can call her anytime. In last life Mary lost her life because of some reason. Eliza don’t know what was that reason. When Mary return home she don’t get any job. Then there family also face a tragic fall. When Eliza came back home Hazel was already in home. She seems very happy. She told her that she really liked her company. They offer good condition. And coincidentally she had to work in there H city branch for now. Where Hazel family is moving next month. In future she had to work in capital city but for now H city was like her dream come true. Eliza also become very happy seems like God is giving them to many blessings at same time. Their parents are also happy for them. When Eliza talk to Adam she keep talking about Mary. So that Adam get used to it. In last life Eliza also notice that Adam liked Mary somehow. Because his behavior is to different towards Mary since a long time. Now when Eliza talk to Adam. His reaction is very rich when he heard that Mary is coming back. Seems like this love story is not one sided.

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