chapter 8 Brother also need Protection from Beauties 😜

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The next morning, Eliza woke up confused. Disoriented by the unfamiliar room, she remembered spending the night with Hazel. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was 9:10 AM – late! However, Hazel had slept in late the night before, so Eliza decided not to wake her.

On her way back to her room, she bumped into Adam by the stairs.

"Truce for today," he teased with a sniff. "I heard you two gossiped and stayed up late last night. But no more excuses after today. Exercise starts tomorrow, both of you!"

Eliza laughed and playfully saluted, "Yes sir!"

After a quick washup, Eliza went downstairs to join her parents for breakfast. Her father, swamped with work due to the city move and managing the hotel, was already gone. Adam and Mrs. Wilson were discussing the previous day's incident.

Mrs. Wilson strongly reiterated the need for exercise, revealing she'd taken Adam to a nearby clinic "for any potential infections." Curious, she asked about the incident. Upon learning that Adam had saved a girl from being forced into a van by four men, relief washed over her. "Thank goodness the girl is safe!" she exclaimed. Adam explained that the police handled the situation after arriving, and unconscious from a head injury, the girl was taken away by female officers. He had given his statement at the police station before returning home.

Eliza agreed, emphasizing the importance of self-defense training, especially for girls.

Looking well-rested, Hazel joined them downstairs. "Sorry, everyone! I haven't slept so soundly in a while, so I took full advantage today," she chuckled, drawing laughter from the table.

With nothing planned for the day, the sisters offered to help their mother with the dishes. The conversation then turned to Adam's suggestion – to start their exercise routine right away since they were free. He instructed them to change into their jogging clothes.

Upstairs, they donned their usual loose cotton joggers and loose shirts. Their mother had instilled in them that a woman's worth wasn't defined by tight, revealing clothing. Comfort was key, and they didn't need to be "walking entertainment" for anyone. This philosophy led them to generally avoid overly revealing or tight clothes. They'd tried such styles before, but the discomfort deterred them from buying them. Hazel's designs, while beautiful, always prioritized comfort. They didn't judge others' fashion choices, but those styles simply felt wrong for them. After trying them on once, the discomfort convinced them to stick with looser clothing.

Ready, they all headed out for a jog. However, after a while, both Eliza and Hazel were forced to stop. Struggling to breathe, they felt pain in their jaws and lungs. They sat down near a garden, catching their breath. Adam, a seasoned jogger, remained completely comfortable. Completely drained, feeling like they couldn't take another step, they made their way back home, the sisters leaning on Adam for support. This experience highlighted the importance of exercise – they were currently too weak to even run away from danger. Adam, seeing their state, felt a pang of sympathy.

Inside, they collapsed onto the sofa, gasping for air. After a while, they went upstairs to freshen up. By the time they came down, Adam was gone, having left to buy supplies before his trip to the city tomorrow. There was a lot of work to be done on their new house, and each sister had given him specific instructions regarding their room layouts. He also had exams coming up in a few days, so he decided to head there early.

While Hazel was browsing information about both companies, Eliza approached her to sit down. Their mother was out at the market. Eliza voiced her concern that they should tell their family about Regina's true nature to avoid future problems. Hazel readily agreed, wanting nothing more to do with Regina.

Their conversation was interrupted by the doorbell. Eliza went to answer, finding a girl with cute features and a bright smile. However, Eliza withheld a greeting. She recognized her – her brother's ex-girlfriend, Lily. A childish, beauty-obsessed girl who worshipped idols, she'd targeted Adam for his good looks. Their foolish brother had mistaken her obsession for love. This Lily, without hesitation, had left him after his accident in the past life, his leg and face permanently damaged from saving someone. She'd even told him in the hospital that his attractiveness was gone, and how could he even think of being with her now? Eliza took a deep breath, internally groaning. "Seriously, why do I have to face all these people I don't want to see?" she thought. But wait, what was Lily doing here?

Seeing Lily standing at the doorstep, a wave of annoyance washed over Eliza.  She didn't greet her warmly.  "Hello," Eliza simply acknowledged.
Lily, oblivious to Eliza's coldness, maintained her sweet smile.  "Hello! My name is Lily. Yesterday I was attacked by some bad people. However, in the last moment, I was rescued by the police.  And then I heard there was a man who saved me. I insisted a lot on asking for his address. After a long time, they gave me the address. His name was Adam. Does he live here?"  She blinked her eyes innocently, but Eliza wasn't fooled.
"Yes, he is my brother," Eliza replied.  "There's no need for you to come personally because he's soon going to be a policeman. So it's his duty to help citizens."  Eliza downplayed the incident, brushing it off as Adam's duty.
Lily's smile faltered slightly, then quickly recovered.  Eliza noticed this subtle shift.  Before Lily could speak further, Eliza cut her off.  "Actually, he went to the city side because of his exams. So, unfortunately, I can't call him. If there are any messages, tell me and I'll deliver them to him."  Eliza strategically blocked any chance of Lily meeting Adam.  She didn't even invite her inside.

Lily felt a growing sense of discomfort.  She sensed Eliza's hostility.  So, she awkwardly offered the small cake she'd brought to Adam and quickly left.  Eliza watched her depart, not offering a single farewell.

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