chapter 7 Misunderstanding need to be clear

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Eliza and her siblings arrived home. Alice left right away to study for her medical exams. As Hazel, Eliza, and Adam went inside, Eliza accidentally touched Adam's elbow. Even though it was a light touch, Adam reacted strongly. Eliza looked at him and said, "Show me." Adam looked back and said, "What?" Eliza narrowed her eyes. She knew her brother well. Whenever he helped someone and got hurt, he never told his family. Unfortunately, he was a terrible liar.

Eliza knew he was hiding something. So, when Adam started walking forward, Eliza told Hazel to grab him. Confused, Adam stopped. Before he could react, Eliza pulled his sleeve up, revealing a large scar. Adam had managed to stop the bleeding, but hadn't applied any medicine yet. He just roughly covered it with a cloth.

Eliza and Hazel were shocked. They stared at Adam with questioning eyes. Adam tried to laugh it off, saying, "Haha, never mind that. I was just going to tell you both something important. It's good you saw it. I saved a girl while I was out. So, starting tomorrow, we're all going to start practicing self-defense and getting in better shape."

Mrs. Wilson saw his arm and checked if he was alright. "Stupid boy," she said. "If you find something like this next time, go call for help! You're not Superman."

Eliza agreed. Adam needed to learn to accept help from others. That's why Eliza wanted him to become a police officer. At least he would have backup and a gun. However, this incident meant more work for Hazel and Eliza, as they now had to exercise with Adam too.

They all celebrated Hazel's win and Eliza's test results. Seeing her family healthy and happy made Eliza so overjoyed that she closed her eyes and said, "God, no matter how thankful I am, I think it's not enough. But thank you so much for showing me this moment and giving me a chance."

After Eliza emailed her university about transferring, they replied that it wouldn't be possible immediately because classes were starting in two months. However, she could transfer after the first semester. This meant she had to study there for six months.

Eliza accepted it. Six months was nothing compared to the opportunity to transfer back later. During dinner that night, her father told them that Mr. Lee, the owner of his hotel, had personally come to him about a transfer to the city. He also offered them a nice two-story house with a small garden, six rooms, two storage rooms, and a garage. Eliza loved the house pictures.

Mr. Wilson accepted the offer. Since Hazel wasn't planning to get married anytime soon and Adam was looking for a job in the city, moving wasn't a problem. It was a bit sudden to move next month, but their father, as the manager, had a lot of work with the new hotel opening soon. So, moving next month made the most sense.

Alice's parents were also moving to the main city where Eliza got admitted to law school. This meant Eliza could meet Alice there. She also needed to find a way to convince Mary to come back soon. Now that Adam was going to take the civil servant exam, there was a chance he wouldn't see his old girlfriend again. But life was full of surprises.

Eliza remembered that Mary left the country because of Adam. In college, there was a girl everyone thought was Adam's girlfriend. They even teased him about it, and Mary, who was like an older sister to Eliza, misunderstood and thought Adam had a girlfriend, so she left. Eliza and the others later found out the girl wasn't Adam's girlfriend, but nobody knew Mary liked Adam, so no one ever mentioned it.

Eliza now had a chance to convince Mary to come back. Their families were very close too. While thinking about moving, Eliza also remembered that Regina's grandmother was going to die soon, but she didn't know when. Additionally, Regina's family was also moving to the capital city. So, there wasn't really a reason for Regina to lie to Hazel, but of course, Eliza didn't know that.

Even if she did know, it wouldn't make a difference. After seeing Linda with Regina, Eliza realized how much Regina hated Hazel. Eliza considered getting revenge, but she couldn't be that cruel. After all, they were both women. However, that didn't mean she was going to forgive them. Eliza planned to make Regina blind with the wealth she loved. She also planned to spread the truth about Linda not being able to get pregnant. Then Regina would see who would want to marry her. If Mark married her only for her wealth, that was fine too.

Eliza thought about Linda's parents. Linda parents were  rich, but they  also had other children to support. Eliza wondered how much Linda's parents would help her after marrying someone poor, according to them.

Haunted by Hazel's face from her previous life, when she was on her deathbed, Eliza couldn't sleep. She went outside and knocked on Hazel's door.

"Liza, what happened? Is everything alright?" Hazel asked, confused.

Eliza simply asked if she could sleep in Hazel's room for the night. Hazel happily agreed.

The sisters stayed up talking and snacking on chips. Finally, Hazel confessed, "Liza, I never knew Regina was so fake. I was stupid to ignore the signs. Thank you, sis, for giving me a chance to achieve something in my life."

They hugged and went to sleep. Eliza knew it wasn't her, but God, who had given them this chance. After a while, they both drifted off to sleep.

Later, Eliza woke to the feeling of someone shaking her. When she turned on the light, she saw Hazel having a nightmare, sweat dripping down her face.

"Hazel, wake up! It's just a dream," Eliza said gently, shaking her sister.

Hazel opened her eyes, relieved to see Eliza, and hugged her tightly. She apologized for waking Eliza, who reassured her it was okay. "Are you alright, sis? Was it a bad dream?"

Hazel just shook her head and mumbled, "I don't know. It was bad, but I can't remember anything about it."

"It's okay, dreams are just dreams," Eliza comforted her. "Don't worry about it. Just think happy thoughts."

They smiled at each other and went back to sleep.

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