chapter 3 Must Hit the Target

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Eliza took a deep breath. Regina Yes, that witch! Who destroys her sister's life? How can she forget her? She was thinking about whom to start, but Regina came forward. So why does she have to show any mercy to her? Eliza told Hazel that she also wanted to listen. Hazel smiled. She thought that Eliza also missed Regina and wanted to hear her voice. So she, without hesitation, opened the speaker. So Eliza could now clearly hear Regina's voice. She was saying: "Yeah! Dear, I am good. What about you? Dear, I am so sorry. I thought you got the notification. But now I think you don't. Unfortunately, I learned from a friend that the competition is today, and I was busy. That is why I didn't notice your presence. Oh, sorry, my love! The competition ended just now, and we are waiting for the results. "Don't worry; you are going to get more chances. If I win, I will recommend you for sure." Evil witch Eliza was right. Actually, that was the golden chance for Hazel. There was a fashion design competition she wanted to participate in. But because of the shifting date, she missed it previously. That was just a so-called story made by Regina. Actually, the date doesn't get a shift. It was all a lie. Regina presents Hazel's design in a competition and gets first prize, and her life shines after that. But they didn't know that in their lives, they never doubted Regina in their own lives. Because for several years, Regina never cheated or did anything bad to Hazel. So all of them believe her blindly, and they pay a big price for this blindness. Regina stood on their backs. Without them even realizing it. Eliza smiled and said,Hey, sis Regina! Why are you lying? There is no notification on their original website. Hmm," Regina seemed to have taken back from Eliza's sudden question or truth. She laughed and said," Oh ho, oho, dear little sis. Why would I lie? is what my friend said. And I am also in the place. The competition ended just now. Okay, bye; I will talk to you later." Then Regina cut the call. Hazel was in a daze. How could she be so stupid as to miss a golden chance? When Eliza saw her like this, she was heartbroken. And remember their previous lives. But the sadness has been there for a while. Now she promises that she is not going to give anyone a chance to play with them. Eliza put her hand on Hazel's shoulder and said,". Sis. Don't panic. Maybe this was Regina's prank. We will go there tomorrow and see what is going on. If what Regina said is true, we are going to take legal action against them. How can they not inform us on their website about the date? So don't worry." Hazel looked at her and said,Legal action! Dear, what are you saying? Maybe I really missed the chance." Eliza clearly saw the disappointment on Hazel's face. And she said,Come on, sis, you believe me or Regina more. Everything is going to get better. Don't worry. " Hazel took a deep breath, smiled, and said, " Yeah, you may be right. We will go to look out. And see what the situation is over there tomorrow." Then she got up and moved towards the sewing room. Eliza remembered, right? If this was the time of competition, then this was just the start of her sister's tragic life. She has to change it and take quick action. For this, she needed to open her mother's mind first. Eliza picked up the plates and other things. And she went to the kitchen. She gave her mother a kiss on the cheek. And start washing the dishes. And randomly start a conversation. "Mom, you remember Mr. Walker, a teacher at your old school? You introduce us to the ones when we meet them in the street." Mrs. Wilson nodded and smiled towards her daughter and said, "Yeah, I remember. I don't believe you still remember him! So what's happening? Hmm? " Eliza smiled and thought about how I couldn't remember him. She said, "A few days ago, I saw him. He was talking to a young man. The man seems to be a teacher as well. He was wearing glasses and had decent looks as well. When I reached there, Mr. Walker was not there anymore. And you know, coincidentally, I and the young man are going in the same direction. I saw him not intentionally but coincidentally. He met a girl. The girl looks beautiful. They went inside the mall where I was going. And I saw them again in the mall café. They were talking happily, and the young man kissed the girl on the cheek. Hahn, so I created a little poetry at that time. Let me read it for you." Mrs. Wilson looked at her strangely. Eliza knows what she is saying is total nonsense. But she had to do that. So she read imagery poetry. Which she created in two seconds just now. "My love, I lost my heart to you. Please do not lose me now." Mrs. Wilson started laughing and said,What happened to you today, my dear? Why do you suddenly get interested in these things? Don't you say they are cheesy things? Hmm? " Eliza laughed and said,Mom, they forced me to write poetry. We had lots of coincidences. So I take full advantage of the situation. And try to be productive in my boring time." Both Eliza and her mother laughed at it. Then Eliza finished her work and came out of the kitchen. Take small breaths and say, seriously, I even get goosebumps after talking like this. It was indeed cheesy. But that man destroyed Eliza's sister's life. He was also a walker. Mr. Walker's nephew. His name is Mark Walker. He is a high school teacher. Have a car and a decent salary. A perfect husband type of material from a middle-class family. But deep down in those eyes, behind those glasses, a beast lives that no one saw. It is a coincidence or plan that my sister lost her chance in a competition. After 10 days, Mark's uncle introduced Mark to Eliza's mother. For my sister's marriage. Hazel thought she was useless, so she agreed to give her and Mark's relationship a chance. But everything was a perfect picture. They got married two months after that. And Eliza's sister's tragic life started. She still doesn't know why Mark married her sister. Even having a lover before marriage. But one. The thing is clear: Mark's lover can't have babies. And Hazel was forced to work as well as give birth to many children, but because of health issues every time there was a miscarriage. And at last, the doctor said that they have to decide whom they want to save. Mark said, without any hesitation, The baby. That is how Eliza lost her sister in her last life, but not now. She had already thrown Mark's description arrow. Now she had to wait for when it was going to hit the target.

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