chapter 16 The heart aches at separation

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The week flew by. Eliza woke up early to get ready for the capital city. She couldn't delay any longer; her classes were starting tomorrow morning. As a law student, they were expected to attend all classes to understand the process for success. Eliza didn't necessarily need this since she already learned everything in her past life. After her engagement broke off, she practiced her knowledge and became a well-known lawyer. However, since she somehow came back in time, Eliza believed that life always teaches you something new.

Eliza wanted to go alone, so she told her family not to send her off at the train station. She knew that if they came, she might not want to leave. After losing them in her past life, she couldn't bear to be away again. However, studies were important too, and she was only going for six months. After completing her first semester, she would transfer back.

After checking everything, Eliza went downstairs. Her entire family was there, even though it was early morning. Even Nick, the 13-year-old boy they had all grown close to, came to say goodbye. He felt like part of the family now. Eliza ate breakfast with them and then got ready to go. Adam would drop her off at the station, and Alice would pick her up in the capital city.

Hazel also told Eliza that she might come to the capital city in two months for her fashion show and to see Eliza. Eliza felt emotional; she really didn't want to leave her family. The feeling was strange, like someone was cutting a piece of her heart. She looked at her father, who was seeing her off with loving eyes. The aged man still looked handsome, maybe because of his kindness. He was the father she missed in her last life.

When Eliza went back to look for her family in her past life, she learned that her father had lost his job because he constantly worried about his daughter Hazel. Unable to focus on work, he couldn't bear it when he heard about Hazel's death and his wife losing her mind. He died of a heart attack. Adam was in the hospital, having lost a leg while saving someone. Her mother was in a mental hospital, and not long after, Adam also died from depression. Only Eliza and her mother were left, and Eliza soon met her own death. She didn't know what happened to her mother after that, since Eliza had been the only family member left to visit and take care of her.

However, now her family was here, alive, happy, and healthy. Eliza hugged each family member goodbye and left with Adam. When they reached the station, Adam dropped her off and talked to her for a long time. He told her to keep them informed, no matter how small the issue. He also gave her a large amount of pocket money. Now, not only did her father earn money, but Hazel and Adam also had jobs and would always give Eliza pocket money or buy things for her. Even though Eliza was 19, she was still the youngest. So everyone treated her like a kid.

She understood that for parents, their children are always children, but she didn't understand why her brother and sister treated her like a kid too. Even Nick, at 13, was confused and treated her as a friend his own age. Mr. Lee sometimes joked that Nick seemed more like their child than him. Eliza smiled lightly at the thought.

After a while, it was time to board the train. The capital city was far away, a 5-6 hour journey. After putting her bags away, Eliza sat down in her seat and got lost in thought. It was early morning, and most people on the train were sleeping, so Eliza drifted off into her memories of her past life.

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