chapter 9Mark the true Example of Evil

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There were lots of papers on the sofa near Hazel. Eliza went near Hazel and caught sight of a design. This dress made by Hazel is gorgeous and looks like something out of a fairy tale. It's tight on the body and then spreads out at the bottom like a mermaid's tail. This makes it look fancy and long. The dress is white and has lots of blue flower drawings on it. The flowers start big and dark at the bottom and get smaller and lighter as they go up the dress. It's like looking at flowers growing from the ground up. The top of the dress covers the neck and has long sleeves, but you can see through them. It looks like the flowers are drawn right on the skin because the fabric is so thin. The coolest part is the big, flowing piece that comes off the shoulders and goes all the way to the floor, like a superhero's cape. It's made of the same see-through material as the sleeves and has the same blue flowers on it. The colors of the dress change from almost clear at the top to a deep blue at the bottom, just as the ocean gets darker the deeper it is. Hazel made a dress that's really special and makes you think of beautiful places in nature. It's the kind of dress that stands out and makes people say "wow!"

There's another reason the dress design caught Eliza's eye. She remembered that in her past life she had been watching a fashion show where Regina was one of the main designers. This dress design is exactly what Regina presented on that show in her previous life. So what does that mean? That Regina keeps stealing Hazel's designs. While Hazel keeps suffering because of Regina's cousin's sister and that beast, Mark. "Regina, Regina, what other evil things did you do to my sister in your previous life?" Eliza kept thinking about it.

When Hazel looked at her, she smiled and saw that Eliza was interested in one of her designs. Hazel said, "Do you like it? Then I'll design this dress only for you." Eliza came back to her senses. She shook her head and said, "No, I want everyone to see my sister's beautifully designed dresses. I can't be greedy to not let others enjoy the feeling of wearing such beautiful dresses."

Hazel smiled and said to her that she was overthinking. While looking at Hazel, Eliza wanted to cry for her beautiful and innocent sister. What had she done in her last life to meet a friend like Regina? She wished that Regina, Mark, and Linda would all get punished for the things they did to her sister in their lives.

After a while, Adam came. Eliza told him about Lily and their conversation. Adam said she did the right thing because he helped her out of duty since he was going to be a police officer soon. Then he went upstairs to pack. He had to leave early tomorrow morning. Adam doesn't give any importance to Lily coming. Eliza, seeing that, took a breath of relief. It seems like Adam is not going to get caught up in Lily's obsession in this life. Eliza didn't want anyone to toy with her brother.

Both sisters were doing their own things on the TV launch. Because no one was playing TV, Adam also went downstairs. He also started reading his books there. Eliza checked her university's official page. She confirmed that there are still 2 more months for classes to get started.

Indeed, Eliza was a very professional and well-known lawyer in her previous life. So in this life, she has an advantage. She mostly knows about all the law books. So, in this life, she's going to enjoy her life not for love but for herself. In a new way, of course, she's going to study. Because knowledge never ends. It starts from your mother's womb to your grave. But having an advantage in this life means she doesn't have much pressure on her because of her studies.

After a while, their parents also came home. They all had lunch. After lunch, when they were drinking tea, their mother told them that she had met one of her old colleagues. They talked for a while, and he suddenly told her that he had a nephew who is a high school teacher. Single and handsome, and he also earns a very decent income. Then he said, "Mrs. Wilson! I heard you have a daughter. Not married yet. Why don't you think about it? I'm telling you only because your family is very nice. You people are good."

Their mother said after hearing that she was shocked for a while, but he gave her his nephew's pictures. So Mrs. Wilson felt forced to say that she would think about it.

...The offer wasn't bad. If Hazel didn't win the competition, then maybe they thought like that. However, now Hazel has a career. She's going to take her first steps towards her dream. And they are all moving to the city, so this doesn't seem like a good thing. Eliza got it. It must be Mark's uncle who came to Eliza's mother and offered this marriage. Eliza's blood seriously boiled. Regina still tries to sell her sister to the devil. Dream on, she's never going to let that happen.

Eliza asked her mother for the pictures. She pretended to be curious. However, when she saw the picture, she acted shocked. Everyone got confused and asked her what happened. Eliza told her mother that two days ago she told her about her colleague's nephew she had met. And that man went to a mall with a woman. The same person is in this picture. She also said that now that she remembered, that woman looks like Regina's cousin's sister she met in the competition yesterday. So they can't be brother and sister. It proves that the nephew of her mother's colleague and Regina's cousin's sister were girlfriend and boyfriend because they were very intimate at the mall.

After hearing that, everyone was shocked. Her mother was more shocked; if her colleague's nephew was already with someone, why did he need to introduce him to her daughter? Hazel's face got pale. She felt something was wrong. After seeing the pictures, she got so scared, it seemed like a nightmare come true. For a few days, she had been having some nightmares she couldn't clearly remember, but she saw someone torturing her. Eliza hugged Hazel because she didn't seem okay. Adam and their parents also got worried after seeing Hazel like this.

After a while, when Hazel calmed down, she took a deep breath and told Adam and their parents about Regina. She told them how Regina kept lying to her for a long time. Everyone got totally shocked this time. Their father was a very smart person. He felt that everything seemed pre-planned. It seemed like someone was trying to destroy his daughter's life. It is totally unacceptable. Mrs. Wilson got furious. They didn't do anything wrong to anyone. So why do people try to harm them? This relationship is a no-no for sure. However, Regina is no longer allowed to come here or into their lives anymore. Mrs. Wilson also decided to have no more conversations with her colleague who tried to harm her daughter intentionally or unintentionally. She didn't care.

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