chapter 6 Fire in Hazel's eyes

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When Eliza and Alice entered the house, Hazel felt happy and worried at the same time. She worried that if Regina lied, everything would be fine, but what if Regina told the truth? What would Alice think? Would Alice believe that neither of her sisters trusted their best friend? Hazel didn't want that. She knew how much Eliza and Alice loved each other as sisters.

After a while, Adam arrived with the van. They all loaded their things in and Eliza told them about her test results. Both Hazel and Adam were shocked. Eliza had completely forgotten to tell them because it wasn't that important to her. Her siblings were both happy for her. Hazel even got emotional and cried a little. They called their parents and shared the good news. Her mother said they would celebrate that night. Eliza joked that they might need to celebrate for two pieces of good news, and everyone laughed, knowing she wasn't serious. But Eliza knew and believed Hazel would win.

When they reached the competition venue, Hazel was shocked by the crowd. She wondered if something else was going on there. When they reached the gate, Eliza showed their competition passes, and the gatekeeper let them in. All of Hazel's confusion vanished. Everything became clear – Regina had lied to her.

Hazel wasn't stupid. She knew Regina was somehow jealous of her. But Hazel didn't understand why. Regina came from a good family – rich and well-known. However, Regina's grandmother preferred a rural lifestyle, so the family had to leave the city and live there. Regina's other cousins still lived in the city. Hazel just couldn't understand why Regina would be jealous.

Hazel always thought Regina's jealousy was temporary, something normal. But she never imagined Regina would try to steal her lifelong dream. That wasn't what friends did. No matter how jealous you are, that's not okay. Hazel realized Regina never truly considered her a friend. It hurt Hazel, but since Regina didn't see her as a friend, why should she care when the truth came out? Maybe Regina would even feel better not having to pretend anymore.

They all went inside the building and found their room to set up their things. Once they were done, Adam got bored and went outside, telling them he'd pick them up when they were finished.

Without wasting any more time, they started getting ready. Hazel and Alice put on their dresses and did their makeup. Hazel didn't mention Regina. Eliza knew her sister was upset, so she stayed quiet. Alice had no idea what was going on and kept joking, which helped improve Hazel's mood. A new determination to win burned in Hazel's eyes. She understood that true friends are hard to find, and you can't rely on everyone to be good.

When Eliza went outside, she saw a few models who didn't seem like designers. She asked them, and they explained they did part-time modeling for anyone who could pay them. This was good news because two models weren't enough for Hazel's designs. Eliza used some of her money to hire them temporarily, making things much easier. Their turn came eventually. All the models had good figures and liked Hazel's decent-looking designs. They took to the stage and rocked it!

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