chapter 24 Sisterly Secrets

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After class, Eliza went outside and checked her phone. Then she saw her elder sister Hazel's missed call. Eliza hurried to call her back. The call rang twice and Hazel picked it up. Her voice shook as she said, "Lisa." Eliza got confused and scared as well. She quickly said, "Sis, are you alright? Is everyone okay at home?"

On the other side, Hazel tried to control her shaking voice. She took a deep breath and said that she was okay and everyone else was okay as well. Eliza still didn't seem to believe her sister, so Hazel gave the phone to their mother.

When Mrs. Wilson talked to Eliza with a normal tone and told her that everything was alright, Eliza felt relief. She asked her mother what happened to Hazel. Mrs. Wilson didn't want to hide anything from their children to create further confusion. She believed her children were old enough and had the right to know. So, Mrs. Wilson told Eliza about the incident with Mark.

After yesterday, Hazel's condition seemed abnormal. She kept calling out the names of her family members, especially Eliza's name. When Eliza heard that, she was shocked and went into deep thought. Maybe others wouldn't believe it, even Eliza herself, if she hadn't experienced her past life. That horrific past life wasn't a dream, her death wasn't a dream. It was so real that it was hard to deny.

Maybe others thought Hazel was just very confused or uncomfortable because of Mark's sudden appearance in her life. But Eliza didn't think so. Maybe Hazel wasn't like Eliza, who clearly knew about her past life. Hazel kept having dreams about a past life, which was confusing her because she had no idea about it. In their past life, Mark was Hazel's tragedy.

Eliza decided to talk to Hazel face-to-face when Hazel came to the capital city next month. It was better for her to know about it rather than get confused.

When Eliza's mother gave the phone back to Hazel, she still couldn't speak properly. But Eliza said, "Sis, I understand. Don't worry. Let's meet when you come here. I want to tell you something. It might be hard for you to believe, but let's talk about it."

When Hazel heard those words from her sister, she felt so relieved. She didn't know why, but even though Eliza didn't say any special words of comfort, Hazel still felt relaxed. She felt like there was someone who didn't think she was going mad. Hazel felt her dreams weren't simply just dreams; there was more to it. So, she agreed with Eliza.

When Eliza heard her sister's relaxed voice, she smiled. It was good to talk about it. It seemed like there was someone with whom Eliza could share the pain of their last life. Maybe it would be the best way to heal each other.

After talking for a while, they said goodbye. When the call ended, Eliza was still in deep thought. Then, she suddenly felt someone's hand on her shoulder. Eliza was shocked. When she turned back and saw Clara, she took a breath. Clara was confused by Eliza's behavior and asked her what happened. Eliza shook her head and said she was just in deep thought; nothing happened. Then they both smiled. Clara had something else to do, so she left. They promised to eat dinner together with Daisy and Emily.

Eliza went back to class and picked up her things. Arthur glanced at her, but Eliza wasn't looking at him or anyone else. She was just picking up her things. Arthur also turned his face away. His friend Sam was looking at his phone and didn't notice Arthur's strange behavior. Eliza left first. After her, Arthur and Sam also left. Arthur also looked at Eliza's way and was in deep thought about why Eliza seemed to dislike him and ignore him. They didn't even know each other. In Eliza's case, it didn't seem like just normal discomfort; it was something else, and Arthur didn't know what it was. He and Sam left the university while Eliza went to her dorm room to get fresh and eat something before going to the library for her first day of her part-time job.

The librarian told her it was an easy task; she just needed to manage the front desk. Today, no new books came in, so Eliza's only job was to check the information for new books, enter the data into the computer, make a list of people who borrowed books, and check their cards. This was the capital city's number one university, so the library was very big. Eliza wasn't the only one working there; there were many other people working there as well. Eliza's work went well.

Afterward, it was almost evening when she left the library. She went to her dorm. Clara, Emily, and Daisy were already there, waiting for her to go to dinner. They all went to the canteen, had dinner, and then came back to talk about their day. As with every day, the homework, assignments, and quizzes were increasing. After talking for a while, they all went to sleep.

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