chapter 23 Hidden Truths

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Mark panicked, but he didn't speak. He wasn't stupid enough to tell Adam the truth. He couldn't tell him that he wanted to marry his sister because, according to a master, he couldn't have children with his girlfriend. So, he had to marry a woman with a specific birthdate who could bear his children. Hazel, Adam's sister, just happened to have that birthdate. Everything was going well until Hazel suddenly got a job, and to make things worse, Mark's girlfriend was seen with him by her sister.

Mark had no feelings for Hazel because he'd never met her before. He just wanted to use her as a substitute. But when he wasn't able to marry Hazel, he figured he'd find a new substitute. Then, one day, he coincidentally met Hazel and saw her beautiful and confident appearance. He thought it wouldn't be bad to have both Linda, his girlfriend, and Hazel as his wife. However, Hazel completely ignored him, which made him even more curious. He wanted to have a conversation with her, and that's when he got caught and beaten by her father, landing him in jail.

His uncle was well aware of Mark's plans, and both Mark and Linda gave him money to find a woman with that specific birthdate. Adam looked at both Mark and his uncle for a few seconds before getting up. It actually didn't matter whether Mark told him the reason or not. He was going to find out, and he couldn't forgive Mark no matter what. But first, he had to find the reason. For now, he was going to destroy Mark's reputation first. This was the way to teach Mark a lesson. Mark was a high school professor, so this punishment would hit him hard. This would teach him not to target other people's sisters, daughters, or wives.

Adam told one of his juniors to spread rumors about Mark harassing girls and women. He hid Hazel's identity and focused on finding out more about Mark, especially the reason why he tried to get close to his sister. Adam's intuition told him things weren't as simple as they seemed. Adam couldn't understand people's foolishness in destroying other lives because of their blind beliefs, and how they didn't hesitate to do so.

On the other hand, in the capital city, Eliza, after getting a second part-time job in the library, felt more excited to try something new in this life. In her past life, she had only focused on Arthur and neglected her youth and university days.

The next day in class, Eliza sat with Clara, who had already saved a seat for her. Arthur was also late again and sat in the last row. But today, instead of a girl, there was a boy sitting next to him, and the way they were talking, they seemed close. This boy was actually Sam, Arthur's roommate and friend. He hadn't been at university the previous day, so Arthur had to sit alone. Arthur didn't like sitting with strangers because they wouldn't know his habit of not talking much. However, the people who were familiar with him, like Sam, knew his habits.

But strangely, when Eliza first sat next to Arthur, she didn't talk to him at all, not even to greet him. But when she changed seats with another girl, that girl kept talking to Arthur, which bothered him a lot. So, when class ended, Arthur left without saying anything to the girl at all. Eliza didn't want anything to do with Arthur in this life, so she focused only on talking to Clara and nearby people about classes and other things. She didn't look back at all.

Arthur was talking to Sam, but sometimes his gaze would shift in Eliza's direction. He noticed that Eliza didn't look at him at all. Arthur felt that Eliza seemed to dislike him or somehow create distance. Her behavior clearly showed she wasn't seeking attention. But completely ignoring some people, and Arthur was one of them, made him think for a while. Then, when the teacher came, he focused on class and forgot about these thoughts. He got so lost in the lecture and discussion with Sam that he didn't see Eliza glance at him and take a deep breath.

Eliza actually felt Arthur's gaze keep shifting towards her from time to time. She didn't understand why Arthur was taking an interest in her. She was the same Eliza who Arthur didn't like to talk to in their last life. But now, Eliza didn't even want to talk to him, so they went their own ways. However, Arthur was suddenly showing strange behavior in this life. Eliza thought it might be because she wasn't talking to him, and that might have attracted or distracted him towards her. So,she decided that if Arthur talked to her, she would try her best to answer in a normal tone so Arthur would consider her normal and not pay more attention to her. Maria kept trying to make friends with Eliza, but Eliza directly ignored her. Eliza knew Maria very well; she was a very clever and mean person on the inside, despite her innocent appearance. So, Maria's every attempt failed, which irritated her somehow. Maria also became jealous of Eliza because Arthur, the class's most handsome boy, only paid attention to Eliza. Even though Maria was already engaged, she wished Arthur were a little richer so she could break her engagement and have a relationship with him. However, Arthur had a very cold personality and mostly didn't respond to others. Maria had no idea that Arthur was from the Morals family, much richer than she could imagine. Of course, only Eliza and Sam knew about this at this stage. Eliza knew because of her past life, and Sam knew Arthur's identity because he was his childhood friend. Sam was also from a well-known family.

Maria tried her best to make people have a negative view of Eliza while playing innocent, but Eliza didn't care and wasn't close enough to anyone for them to accuse her without reason. Eliza's friend Clara didn't like gossiping about these things, so both Eliza and Clara were mostly unaware of these things, and they actually didn't care.

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