chapter 21 The Unexplained Terror

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On the other hand, in city H, Hazel is working hard on her new designs. Her passion and new creations give her joy in life. During this time, Hazel and Sofia become very close, like sisters. Sofia considers Hazel's house her own sometimes and frequently visits the Wilsons' house.

Now, Eliza's mother's YouTube cooking channel has become very famous. People mostly call her a chef. The Wilsons now have two cars in their house. One they especially bought for Hazel because of her work. The other one is for the family, and Adam goes to work on his bike. But Hazel doesn't use her car much because Sofia gives her a lift most of the time, and on normal days, Adam picks her up from work.

One day, Adam is busy, and Sofia went to the Capital City to visit her family and learn about the upcoming fashion show competition. So, Hazel called her father to pick her up because, once again, she didn't drive her car to work. Mr. Wilson gets a little late because of traffic.

While Hazel was waiting for her father downstairs in front of her company, a figure appears in front of her. When she looks up, she sees Mark. Hazel is terrified. Mark smiles at her sweetly, but that smile is like a devil's smile for Hazel. Her hands start shaking, and she hides them in her jeans pockets. Mark starts saying something, but Hazel can't hear him because of the panic. Mark looks at her lovingly, but Hazel doesn't appreciate it. She gets more terrified. She starts losing her senses. And when Mark tries to come close to her, Hazel stops breathing. She feels like she's going to die within seconds. So, without caring about anything, she screams as loudly as she can.

Mark is punched in the face by someone. That person hugs Hazel's shoulders. When Hazel looks up, she sees her father's face. Relief washes over her face. Nearby people start gathering to see what's happening. Hazel hugs her father and cries like a baby. She doesn't know why she's crying.

When Mr. Wilson sees his daughter in this state, he gets frustrated. How dare that man scare his daughter? The brave and sweet daughter who is always shy and doesn't like to get noticed, crying in public. Mr. Wilson's car is nearby. He makes Hazel sit in the car first, then comes back to Mark. Without asking Mark a word, he punches him again and shouts at him, asking what the hell he's doing there. Mr. Wilson saw Mark's pictures, so he has a rough idea of who Mark was. Mr. Wilson says to Mark while grabbing his collar that his wife and daughters warned him and his Uncle last time. Mr. Wilson is so furious that he wants to hit Mark more. He keeps remembering his daughter's terrified face. People stop them. Mark is somehow scared. Who would believe that Mrs. Wilson, who looks like a gentle person, has such strength? Those five people can hardly stop him, but it wasn't even possible for them to stop him if he wasn't willing. Mark starts taking deep breaths. Mr. Wilson directly calls Adam and tells him about it.

On the other side, Adam also gets mad about how that man dares to go near his sister. Mr. Wilson doesn't ask Mark any more questions and glances at him as a warning that he will see him at the police station. Mark's face is completely messed up because Mr. Wilson punched him a lot on the face.

In that car, Hazel is shivering. When she closes her eyes, she keeps remembering Mark's smiling face and feels like insects are crawling all over her body. She wants to vomit. So, she opens her eyes. The fear is unfamiliar. She doesn't know why she's so scared of Mark. When Mr. Wilson comes back to the car, Hazel is still shivering. So, he hugs his daughter and keeps talking to her. He wipes her tears. Mr. Wilson is boiling inside, thinking why that man came to disturb his daughter. Does he think there's no one to protect his daughters? Mr. Wilson was kind of a street fighter in his younger age, but later he left his habits because of his parents' scolding, and then he met Mrs. Wilson. He also grew up. So, those fighting and past facts don't impress him, but if someone tries to disturb his family life, he can't sit still. He had to teach that Walker a lesson so they would never get the idea that no one can protect the Wilson's daughters.

Hazel somehow manages her mood and tells her father she's okay. Mr. Wilson already noticed that Hazel seemed uncomfortable about Mark even when she first saw his pictures.Mr. Wilson is sure that Hazel doesn't know Mark before because she always stayed at home before her fashion shop competition and before her job. When they reach the house, Mrs. Wilson doesn't ask Hazel anything, which Hazel is thankful for. Because she herself doesn't know why she acted this way. Hazel goes to her room and takes a nap.She doesn't even have lunch, and her parents don't bother her because they know she needs some time alone. Last time she also reacted like this, and when they asked more questions, she got more depressed. But when they stopped asking, Hazel's condition improved. However, Hazel's parents know it's not a normal situation, and Hazel does too. They decided they would visit a psychiatrist when Hazel felt a little better.

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