chapter 25 Arthur's Curiosity Grows

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After that day, life at the university was pretty normal. Eliza sometimes worried about Hazel and would call her to talk. She heard that Sofia had also returned to H City, and Hazel had started working as well. Hazel tried her best not to focus on her dreams, and Eliza's words were a great comfort. She didn't have nightmares all the time, just occasionally. But she recovered easily after waking up.

Their parents were also doing well recently. Adam, their brother, and Mary had officially gotten together. Their parents decided to hold their engagement when Eliza got holidays from her university. Alice had also recently started her medical studies, so Mary's family was also waiting for Alice's holidays. Alice and Eliza sometimes met up outside their universities, which weren't far from each other.

As a medical student, Alice was mostly busy and didn't have many friends, actually none at all. So, when Alice came to meet Eliza, she also met Eliza's roommates, Clara, Emily, and Daisy. They all got together and became friends.

Emily's birthday was in two months, and she badly wanted a designer dress from a new designer whose dresses had recently become famous. It was hard to contact them, and Emily talked about her a lot in their room. When Eliza heard the designer's name one day, she laughed a lot and told Emily not to worry, that she was going to get a dress from that designer very soon.

When Emily heard that, she was surprised and then confused. She asked Eliza how she was going to get her a dress from her favorite designer. Eliza answered with a smile that this designer was her elder sister, Hazel.

When all the roommates heard that, they were all shocked. Everyone knew about this new designer from the Whitelock company. The Whitelock family was very famous in the capital city. They all knew about Sofia Whitelock, who had a company in H City. Recently, one of her designers was giving her a lot of fame because of their designs. Sofia's company, SFG, was getting very famous in the capital city as well.

When Emily heard that, she suddenly came and hugged Eliza tightly, wanting her to promise to let them meet Hazel sometime. Eliza had no problem with that. Neither Eliza nor Hazel had any idea that Hazel was getting famous every day, everywhere, especially in the capital city.

Eliza's work at the library was also very good for her. Because of her past life, she knew a lot about law; she was even a very famous lawyer in her past life. So, she had an advantage in easily and quickly completing her tasks. At the library, she mostly read novels, which she hadn't done much before, and she also watched some videos and movies using headphones. The job was easy.

One day, when Eliza and Clara were leaving class, Clara asked Eliza if she was going to the library. Eliza replied, "Yeah, work always calls." Then they both laughed and said they would meet in the canteen later. Sometimes, Clara would also join Eliza to go to the library so she could study there, but mostly Clara preferred her dorm room.

So, Clara left for their dorm room, and Eliza went to the library. While both Eliza and Clara weren't looking, Arthur was also walking behind them. When Arthur heard their conversation, he got a clear idea that Eliza was working in the library. Arthur didn't know why he was so curious about Eliza Wilson. Maybe this girl was playing tricks like yesterday when he talked to Sam.

But Arthur said it was about an article. Sam replied that mostly girls did that so they could get the other person's attention. But Arthur didn't think so because Eliza didn't even look at him at all.

When Eliza went to the library, Arthur wanted to leave the university. He didn't stay in the university dorms. He had his own well-furnished apartment in the nearby, most expensive compound. His family had many villas in the capital city, but all of them were far away from the university. So, he bought an apartment for himself. He didn't like to share rooms with others. All of his roommates had no idea about his identity; only Sam knew.

Arthur didn't want others to know about his identity. He didn't like people faking closeness. He knew that because of his family's wealth, people always buttered him up and wanted to get close to him, but he didn't want that. He just wanted to experience a normal life where he could make normal friends.

But again, because of his unique and handsome features, girls came to him. He handled it by showing them a cold shoulder and not giving extra attention to any girls. So, he thought it was better to stay away from the university after classes. That way, the chances of his identity getting revealed became less.

He and Sam were walking out of the university when Arthur suddenly stopped. Sam looked at him with questioning eyes. Arthur gave him his car keys and told him that he was going to the library to make some notes. Sam could take his car and get lunch. Sam offered to join Arthur, but Arthur shook his head and said no. Arthur then walked towards the library.

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