chapter 4 Brother also need help

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Eliza knows that these people don't deserve mercy. So, she is not going to show them any mercy. Afterward, Eliza walks toward the sewing room. There she finds Hazel working hard, but there is sadness on her face. Eliza knows that after tomorrow this sadness will no longer be there. She smiles and goes inside.

Eliza: "So sis, are you done with your competition design?"

Hazel: "Yeah, almost. But I'm still thinking what if..."
Eliza: "Don't worry, life is going to give you many chances. Think of it as a mock competition to judge your ability."

Hazel: "Right."

Eliza starts covering Hazel's design dresses, which she is going to present tomorrow in the competition. Right then, Mrs. Wilson enters.

Mrs. Wilson: "Hazel, dear, can you deliver Mrs. Arons' dresses? She urgently needs them."
Hazel gets up, picks up Mrs. Arons' dresses, smiles, and gets ready to go. Eliza doesn't stop her because her presence is very important in the house right now.

Hazel leaves the house. A few minutes later, their doorbell rings. Eliza goes to open the door. Here comes Regina, just like Eliza remembers. She comes here to pick up some of Hazel's design dresses for tomorrow's competition. Tomorrow's competition is very important.No one knows, but two big fashion companies, SFG and FkL, are going to judge and select a few designers for their companies. In the last life, Regina presented Hazel with a few designs that got her selected. Afterward, she played a trick to get the designs from Hazel. Eliza doesn't show her hatred on her face and smiles.

Eliza: "Sis, why are you here? Hazel isn't here. Aren't you waiting for your competition results there?"
Regina: "Oh dear, they said they are going to tell us about the results tomorrow. And I need a few dresses from Hazel because tomorrow I can't go just like that, right?"

Eliza: "I see, but why dresses? Aren't you going to wear just one? And why not wear your own design dress? It will present yourself correctly, right?"

Regina smiles awkwardly.

Regina: "Yeah, dear, you're right. But I had to see which dress is going to suit me. And I'm going to wear Hazel's dress so that I can recommend her if the judges like her design."
Eliza: "Oh, right. Please come in."

Eliza makes way for Regina to come in. Then they go inside the sewing room. Regina starts searching for a dress like there is a huge sale. She comes across the hidden dresses of Hazel. Eliza narrows her eyes. See, the fox finds the place after all.

Regina: "These are?"

Eliza: "Oh, they are dresses Hazel prepared for the competition."

Regina's eyes light up.

Regina: "Can I see? I want dresses from here so I can present them."

Eliza: "Oh no, sis, it's okay. They are Hazel's designs. We can't give them to anyone. No, this competition maybe we can present them to another competition. So, I'm sorry."

Regina: "Don't worry, I will talk to Hazel."
Eliza: "No, sis, we already talked about it. Select other dresses. They are all designed by Hazel. And sis, please don't get me wrong, but select just one. As you know, they are our customers. So, we can't make a whole bunch of new dresses if you take many, right, sis?"

Regina laughs, but there is no smile in her eyes. She doesn't look at other dresses.

Regina: "It's okay, I take my leave now. I wish Hazel gets a new chance soon."

Eliza: "No worries, sis, she is going to get a chance very soon indeed."
Then Regina leaves the house. Afterward, Hazel comes back. Mrs. Wilson starts preparing lunch. After that, Mr. Wilson and Adam come back. Seeing them healthy and safe, Eliza becomes so happy that she hugs her father. Mr. Wilson laughs and says, "My daughter missed me, I think."

Eliza smiles, and all of them eat their lunch. Afterward, Adam looks at everyone and says:Adam: "Uncle John again talked to me about the police examination. Hahah, I don't get it. Why does he want me? Because I don't have any job because of my degree? Hhhm. I rejected him, but he still told me to talk about this to your parents. Seriously?"

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson look at him. Eliza remembers correctly. If her brother gives this exam, it would be very beneficial for him. Just like in the previous life, Adam could work as a mechanic, but he's always been a brave man. Whenever he saw someone in danger, he'd help them alone. Sadly, because of this, he lost one of his legs. So, if he joins the police force, it means he'd have backup and a gun, as well as receive tough training. However, Eliza knows why Adam isn't joining - the job would be on the city side. He doesn't want to leave his parents and siblings. And Eliza's parents didn't leave in the last life because of Hazel. She got married here,out of the city. But Mr. Wilson also got a chance to move to the city because the hotel he works at was opening a second branch there. Because of Mr. Wilson's honesty, they were thinking of sending him there as a manager and offering a two-story house as well. But Mr. Wilson rejected it because of Hazel.

Eliza: "So, brother, what's the problem? Why not give it a try? I know you're not thinking about it because of us, but hear me out. Last time I went to the hotel to meet Dad, I heard Mr.Lee talking about sending Dad as a manager to his city hotel. It means we can also move if Dad gets transferred to the city. So, the city problem is going to be solved. What do you say?"

Mr. Wilson and Adam get excited, which Eliza can see in their eyes. Now, Hazel isn't married yet, so moving to the city wouldn't be a problem for Mr. Wilson. If he gets the chance, who wouldn't want to go to the city? Mr. Wilson laughs.
Mr. Wilson: "Haha, dear, I don't think so. But Eliza has a point, why not give it a try, Adam? I think it's good. If you pass the exam, you're going to get a police bike. Hahaha!"

All of them laugh because everyone knows Adam's passion for bikes. So, Adam agrees. Great, Eliza thinks, now their lives are going on another track.

Afterward, everyone gets busy with their own work. Eliza keeps trying to make Hazel work on her designs. Eliza doesn't tell Regina that they're going there. She also doesn't show Regina's true face to Hazel because she wants her to go there tomorrow and see everything for herself. She also tells Hazel about Regina's visit, but not the full story, and highlights the sentence where Regina said, "I wish Hazel gets a chance soon." This shows Regina's meaning and that the date has changed for real. Eliza is excited for tomorrow morning and fully prepared to confront Regina.
Then, after dinner, everyone went to their rooms. When Adam came back, he had books in his hands. It seems like he really decided to give the exam. That makes Eliza very happy. When Eliza went to her room, she didn't check her results because she already knows about them. However, she really doesn't want to go to another city anymore. If possible, she wants to get transferred to the city where her parents are going to move. She knows she's selected for the number 1 law university in another city. It's okay if she transfers to number 2. She doesn't care about that anymore. She wants to spend time with her family as much as she can, and she believes they won't have any problem accepting her transfer. After making a plan, Eliza went to sleep.

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