chapter 11 The kid nextdoor is cute

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After a month, the Wilsons get ready to move. Adam also gave his paper, and fortunately, he passed the civil servant exam. He was also hired as a new officer in H.C. However, he still had not joined yet because he had to help his family move to H.C. He came back to help with moving. The house was already completely finished; he just changed some decorations in his sister’s rooms, that is all. The house is ready, so tomorrow they plan to move. They also move 99 percent of their things. Now only their luggage is left. So tomorrow, when they move out, they take the luggage with them. Alice and her family also moved to the capital city. Alice was very sad because she didn’t want to leave Eliza. However, Eliza told her that she was also going to the capital city next month. So they are going to meet very soon. Eliza also heard that Mary decided to be a forensic doctor. Eliza remembers that she was not a forensic doctor, so what happened to Mary? Why did she choose to be a forensic doctor? Maybe because of Adam? The possibility is very high. Hazel also went to City H many times because of her work. But today she is here because all of them are moving out officially. It is indeed a very different feeling. So getting emotional is very normal. Everyone feels really down. They had many memories of this place. They were all born here, studied here, and so on. Eliza doesn’t know what she felt when she moved out of her last life. She is still emotional but happy as well. At least she is with her family. And after a month, she had to go to the capital city for her studies for six months. But the good thing is that she is going to transfer back to H.C. after her first semester. It is still good. Eliza was sitting on her bed and was lost in her memories of childhood, adulthood, and other days that she spent here in this room. Time is very magical. It seems like those were the memories of yesterday. And suddenly they all grow with a blink of an eye. "I am now going to leave this place." Hazel also gets very emotional. Today she came to sleep in Eliza’s room. Last month, Regina shamelessly came to visit them. However, no one welcomed her at all. Hazel even went out to clear her relationship with her. And when Hazel intentionally mentioned Mark’s Walker marriage proposal and told her that she knew it was all set by Regina, Regina got panicked. She was not able to deny it. Hazel expected it, but still, she was heartbroken. She was still confused about why Regina hated her so much. Without further ado,. Hazel told Regina that when they saw each other, they should pretend to be strangers. Because Regina is a stranger to her now. Regina doesn’t seem to regret it at all and laughs that Hazel doesn’t deserve her friendship. Regina’s grandmother also died, and FKL Company was also in Capital City, so they also moved there. Now Regina’s wish might come true. She went to her favorite place. Next day early morning the Wilson family get up early. They had their breakfast and got ready to catch their train. Thankfully, they were not late. Because their housemen also help them a lot with housework. So everything gets set on time. Then they went inside the train and got ready to go to their new house. The journey was long; it took them 4 to 5 hours by train. When they entered the city, they felt very different from the country side. Huge building, hard to see the sky. Their countryside was also developed, but the buildings were not that tall over there. They booked two taxes because they had lots of luggage with them. They give their old house to rent. So they had to take all of their clothes with them. Hazel and Eliza sit in one taxi, and Adam and their parents sit in another. And they went to their house. When they reach their colony. They love the scenery. This place has lots of trees and beautiful gardens. The security seems good too. So Hazel and Eliza can take a walk there with their parents. During the last month, Eliza and Hazel kept exercising. They also learn some self defense. Eliza normally likes sky blue, royal blue, and white colors for her room. However, this time, she tried something new. This time, her room colors are orange, lemon, and green. This color combination gives off fresh vibes. Hazel’s room was different from Eliza’s. Her room colors are very girly. With a mix of white, baby pink, and light purple. Giving her room a very girly feeling. Adam’s room is also upstairs. This time, 3 rooms are upstairs and 3 rooms are downstairs. Because their parents say that they like the downstairs room. They say they can finally get rid of the stairs. Hazel has been visiting her company for a few days, but she hasn’t started working yet. Because every company has its own roles. First, Hazel needs to learn about their products and materials from their factory. Then she can start working in the main office. So after 2 days, she is going to start working in the main office. During these days, Hazel notices one thing: she can’t take care of her hair. So she told her parents that she wanted to cut her hair short. Maybe shoulder-length. That is going to help her a lot. Their parents agreed. So both Hazel and Eliza decided to visit a good salon tomorrow. Adam is also going to start his work tomorrow. The next morning When Eliza and Hazel get ready to go to the salon, their doorbell rings. When Eliza opened the door first, she saw a mobile phone in front of her. She blocked the mobile camera with her hand. And look at the kid, who seems to be 12 to 13 years old. The kid smiled shyly. Eliza said to him, “Kido, don’t you know that taking pictures of others without their permission is a crime?” The kid smiled, and behind him, Mr. and Mrs. Lee came. Mrs. Lee slapped the back of the kid’s head. And she said, “Nick, don’t I tell you? When we go to others houses, don’t record them.” The kid smiled and said sorry. He was kind of a sweet kid. Mr. Lee was Eliza’s father’s hotel owner. They also live in the same colony. They come to visit them. Mr. Lee is the same age as Eliza’s father. Eliza’s father was hired by Mr. Lee’s father. But he still works with them, so they have a very good relationship. Eliza welcomes them all. When they came inside, Mrs. Lee showed her good will for their shifting here. They all come to know that this little kid named Nick is 13 years old and is a school student. He likes to make vlogs for YouTube, mostly. He is the youngest child, which is why his parents don’t stop him from doing many things. However, he was not a bad kid. His parents also know where to stop him. Nick was a very talkative kid. Like a little chatter box. Having a kid at home is very nice. Eliza’s mother really likes Nick’s presence. Nick also got attached to them easily. This whole situation seems like adopting a new child, haha. Nick started calling Eliza and Hazel sisters, Eliza and Hazel. While their mother had a pleasant conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Eliza and Hazel went out to the salon, and Nick also joined them. He said that he was going to get more clips for his vlog. So all three of them went to the salon. Hazel had a nice haircut at shoulder length. It also suits her very well. Nick insists that you please let him record her new hairstyle and post it online on YouTube as a hashtag for my sister’s new hairstyle. Both Eliza and Hazel laugh and allow him. Nick really gets attached to them. It is clearly shown in his face how happy he was. Nick already met Adam when Adam came here to live last month. And Nick considers Adam his hero. After having their lunch outside, when they went back home, Nick’s parents were already gone. The next house is Nick’s house; they are neighbors. Nick’s only sister is already married and lives with her husband out of the country. His elder brother is also married; he and his wife live in Capital City, and Nick’s second brother, Jack, also lives in Capital City. He is 17 years old and studies in Capital City. So here, only Nick lives with his parents. And his parents are mostly outside to attend parties in their circle. That is why Nick stayed here for dinner. When he ate, Mrs. Wilson handmade cooling. He loved it so much that he suggested that Mrs. Wilson open a YouTube cooking channel. And he would love to become her assistant, but they only need to give him food instead of money. Nick was little, but he was a very smart child. Every laugh is his suggestion off as a joke. After dinner, he went to his house; his parents had already come back.

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