chapter 14 Coming Face to Face to the Nightmare

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One day, Eliza, Hazel, and their mother were coming out of the shopping mall when they saw Mark Walker and his uncle, who was an old colleague of Mrs. Wilson. Mark's uncle tried to trick them by proposing a marriage between Hazel and Mark. However, Mark already had a girlfriend.

Mrs. Wilson's face turned angry upon seeing them. Hazel became pale, and fear seemed to grip her heart. She didn't know why, but she didn't want to encounter the approaching person.

Eliza also knew Mark very well. He was a monster from her previous life, her ex-brother-in-law. Seeing Hazel's reaction, Eliza was shocked for a moment before supporting her.

Why was Hazel behaving this way? As far as Eliza knew, Hazel had never met Mark in this life, so there shouldn't have been any interaction between them. Yet, Hazel looked terrified.

Mrs. Wilson clearly didn't want to talk to the Walkers and tried to walk past them. However, Mark's uncle stopped them. Mrs. Wilson displayed a very rude attitude and didn't even greet them.

Mark's uncle, confused, asked why she was behaving like that.

Furious, Mrs. Wilson told him how shameless they were for trying to deceive them. She pointed out that even though Mark had a girlfriend, he was willing to destroy Hazel's life. Thankfully, Eliza had seen Mark with his girlfriend; otherwise, if they had agreed to the marriage, Hazel's life could have become a living hell. Mrs. Wilson practically shouted in anger.

Mark and his uncle panicked because they never imagined the Wilsons would find out about Mark's girlfriend.

Mark actually wanted to marry a girl with the same birthdate as Hazel because his girlfriend couldn't get pregnant. A supposed master had told them that if Mark married a woman with a specific birthdate, she would bear him a child. It was a ridiculous idea, but they believed it. Mark's girlfriend, cousin sister Regina, suggested Hazel's name, and since Mark's uncle was an old colleague of Hazel's mother, he offered to help.

Their plan seemed perfect, but the Wilsons went to the city, and Hazel landed a great job. Consequently, their plan fell apart. However, when they saw the Wilsons today, they shamelessly tried their luck again.

Mark kept staring at Hazel. She was a very beautiful woman, and her shy nature added to her charm. Hazel kept her eyes on the ground, not even wanting to look at Mark. Mrs. Wilson blocked Mark's view and told him not to look at her daughter. Mark felt ashamed; after all, he was a high school teacher.

Eliza couldn't bear to see Hazel like this any longer, so she took her away. Their situation had improved financially. Eliza's father had a job, Hazel and Adam were employed, and their mother even earned money from YouTube. They had become somewhat of a well-off family.

Mrs. Wilson followed Eliza and Hazel, determined to avoid any contact with the Walkers. She even warned them that if they tried to come near them again, she would call the police. Adam had recently been reminding them to report anything suspicious to the police, no matter how small. Mrs. Wilson had begun taking his advice seriously because she loved and trusted her children.

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