chapter 19 Old Habits, New Start

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Eliza and Arthur sit side-by-side in the last row. Eliza doesn't feel much. It's completely opposite to her last life; she doesn't desire to look at Arthur again and again. For this Eliza, treating Arthur like a stranger isn't difficult. Eliza doesn't even look at Arthur, but Arthur glances at her.

Eliza is wearing a stylish outfit that looks very smart and comfortable. She has on a crisp white shirt with a neat collar and long sleeves. Paired with the shirt, she's wearing brown pants that have a relaxed fit, perfect for moving around easily. For shoes, Eliza chose soft, brown loafers that match her pants and are practical for walking.

Arthur doesn't understand why Eliza doesn't even greet him. Because of his looks, even though he acts like he comes from a middle-class family, people still come up to please him. Normally, others like to smile at him, greet him, and try to have a conversation with him. But the girl who came in doesn't even look at him. She just sits down and starts taking notes. She doesn't greet him or even smile or nod at him at all. Arthur is curious for a few seconds, then refocuses on class.

On the other hand, Eliza is seriously not giving any importance to Arthur's presence. She keeps focused on the lecture. She's actually impressed by herself because in her last life, she couldn't focus on classes mostly because of Arthur's presence. However, in this life, everything has changed. Eliza is no more a naive 19-year-old girl; she has the experience of her last life.

While focusing on the lecture, Eliza notices Maria in the front row. She's the same as the last life, beautiful and smiling at everyone, and her way of talking is very polite. If Eliza hadn't experienced Maria's betrayal in her last life, she might have also thought Maria was an innocent girl. However, with an innocent face, she hides many things. After thinking about Maria, Eliza continues to focus on the lecture.

After class, the professor leaves. Many students leave the class. Eliza doesn't have anything else to do, so she stays in class. When she looks down, she sees Clara in the second row looking at her. Clara smiles at Eliza. Eliza smiles back.

The classmate of Clara gets up and instead of leaving the class, comes towards Eliza. When the girl reaches near Eliza, she says to Eliza that if she wants to sit with her friend, she can. The girl is ready to exchange seats with Eliza. Eliza smiles and says sure, then starts picking up her things. Eliza knows the girl doesn't seem kind enough to exchange seats. She only wants to change seats with Eliza because of Arthur and is acting like she's showing good will. Eliza doesn't believe her. She just picks up her things and leaves.

Eliza hears behind her the girl start talking to Arthur and boasting. Eliza doesn't care. She goes and sits next to Clara. Clara makes a joke and asks why Eliza left a handsome guy and gave her seat away so cheaply. Eliza jokes back that the "handsome guy" isn't a good luck charm she needs to be attached to. Both laugh and share their notes with each other and start discussing the previous lecture until the next class starts.

On the other hand, Arthur gets irritated by his new seatmate. She talks a lot. Arthur tries to answer a few of her questions, then stops talking to her. Arthur knows the girl is hinting at him, but Arthur isn't interested. Eliza's behavior also confuses Arthur. Eliza treats him like nothing. Arthur focuses on Eliza in the second row. She was talking and laughing with her friend and also greeted and talked to a few other boys nearby. When Eliza first came and sat next to him, Arthur thought maybe Eliza wasn't used to talking to others, which is why she wasn't having a conversation with him. But now, seeing Eliza talking to others freely, makes Arthur feel strange.

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