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It all started the day Link and I stormed Skyview Temple.

Link and I had just slotted the mysterious misshapen key into the gigantic golden keyhole. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The door's appearance was in stark contrast to the temple's mossy stone along with the blue glow most of the temple was shrouded in.

As soon as Link and I maneuvered the key into the door's lock, the doors opened with a great creak that rumbled throughout the entire temple.

Without hesitation, Link ran down the descending staircase. I was right behind him but then I heard an ear-splitting shriek. I turned and was met with a group of green bokoblins trying to cross the tightrope.

They quickly made it to the other side, charging at me.

In an instant I jumped out of the way of one of their strikes. I was afraid they'd run through the massive doors to where Link was, but for some reason they avoided the door completely.


My sword was locked in a stalemate with one of the bokoblin's. I pushed them away from me as I dodged another bokoblin's strike. The first one screeched when he fell into the door's massive archway. I couldn't help but flinch at this pained screaming.

My heart sank a little at his reaction. He and the rest of his group were afraid of whatever was on the other side of these walls, and Link ran straight threw without me.

I tried to focus on dispatching the group so I could join Link.

I suddenly saw a brilliant flash echo throughout the doors that blinded the bokoblins for a split second. That allowed me to strike them. As their guard was lowered, I forced them back until I knocked them into the put surrounding us.

"Furious! Outraged! Sick with anger!"

Those words echoed through the corridor. Despite being so far away, the voice that uttered them was crystal clear. Without thinking, I ran through the massive doors just knowing that Link needed my help.

However, as I ran, I couldn't help but think the voice sounded uncannily familiar for some reason.

The hallway I found myself in was a lot longer than I anticipated. As I continued, the hall's lights got dimmer and dimmer. Soon the deep aura of most of this temple began to return.

That's when I saw the statues. There were three of them.

At the center, one stood delicately holding what looked like Link' sword; the blade had the same intricate designs and symbols engraved on it. The handle and pommel lead to a bright blue diamond gemstone.

To the left, was a figure whose very appearance sent shivers down my spine. The room felt as if it got darker as I looked into the statue's eyes. It didn't help as he towered over the others. His body was massive and every inch of him was covered in pure muscle. The way the stone appeared made his skin look almost scaley and I couldn't shake the weird sense of familiarity at the sight of his hair that looked almost like fire.

I got sudden flashes making me feel lightheaded.

A woman with elegant (hair color) locks dressed in a pale halter gown with golden celestial suns and stars embroidering it was there. She knelt before three great luminous lights, one being a vibrant green, a pure bright blue, and the last one being an ever-burning red.

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