Lake Floria

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Before my eyes, materialized a landscape I had never seen. It was a seemingly underground cavern of smooth, striated stone that gave off a blue aura. As we ventured further into it, we were surrounded by gentle flowing waters filled with a pool of aquamarine light. All surfaces we passed had a strong aroma of coral like we were in an undersea place.

"Lake Floria."

A voice said in my head. I felt myself stiffen in the ropes that boudn me as the realization hit. We were In the Lake Floria area and Ghirahim must be taking me to Ancient Cistern. He knew. He had to.

This was our special spot back in the day.

We went here to escape from the eyes of everyone.

I began berating myself for hiding a Sacred Flame here. He must have figured out that I hid the flames in places that were significant to us.

"What's wrong, love?" Ghirahim's voice sang as he put his hands on my shoulders making me shiver.

"Where are you taking me?"

He then wrapped his arms around me pulling me against his chest. I felt like my blood had run cold. If I thought, he knew before then he definitely knew now.

His right hand moved to draw circles into my neck before his hand moved to hold it. I let out a little whimper when he squeezed my throat.

"Don't worry, my love." He gave my neck a harsh squeeze before he continued. "I won't hurt you. Not until you ask for it anyways."

"Ghirahim!" I yelped as he gave my butt a little squeeze.

"Let's go, love. We still have a little way."

The entire rest of the way I let my mind run. I shouldn't have even had these memories, but I did. I knew every crevice of this place. I had memories of each time Ghirahim and I snuck here to enjoy one another's company.

Soon enough we got to where I thought he was taking me.

The chamber we stood in was vast. It was bound by flowered columns surrounded by pink and white lotuses in full bloom. The wall was an aquatic bluish green with pink lotus petals pointing upward. Next to the entrance was a crystalline pool which we had spent many a night in. The pool's design was in the shape of interlacing semicircular platforms like the lotus flowers. Along the wall on the far side was a massive bed that I had slept in with Ghirahim so many times.

"Does it awaken memories? Memories of our time here?"

"No..." I said with my voice cracking a little.

"Liar." He whispered.

He was right. I remembered this place perfectly.

This was the place where we had our first time. This was the place where we fell in love. This was the place where he poisoned me.

I wish I had it in me to run away from him. Every survival instinct in me was screaming at me to run away from him. I knew that I should have. But one, I couldn't. No matter where I went, he'd find me. I knew he would. And two, I didn't want to.

Although I knew what would happen if I stayed.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Why wouldn't I? It's not like I'm looking for something you're hiding from me."

A gasp escaped me before I could compose myself. His eyes darkened as soon as he heard me. He had me in checkmate and I was still playing checkers.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play coy with me love. You know I will find it myself, it's only a matter of time now. So, you can make this easier for me or..."

He snapped his fingers and ropes pinning my arms to my sides were gone. He was expecting me to run. I could tell in the way he tensed up behind me. I decided it would be smarter to stay put besides I didn't want to leave.

"Or what? You'll sacrifice me to your master?"

His face fell as I said that as if I had just stabbed him with a blade. All the malice he had suddenly dropped, and he was the sweet and courteous guy I had fallen for all those eons again resurfaced.

I felt the air between us grow somber and I had my answer. I looked away from him.

"Don't do that. Don't-"

"What are you waiting for? Just sacrifice me to my brother already. He can have my soul; I don't want it."

What I said was rash. I was just too overwhelmed by the thoughts that Ghirahim didn't really love me. My brain made me think hat he was using me the whole time. All I was to him was just some tool to use in the whole scheme of things.

As messed up as it was, it made both of us forget about whatever was on our minds before whether that was the Sacred Flames or not.

"Don't say that ," he lifted my chin forcing me to look into his eyes. "I don't have it in me to hurt you like that."

"If that was true then you wouldn't have killed me... Did you ever love me, Ghirahim?"

"I did. I do. Look at me, love. We are bound by a thread of fate that not even time can tamper with. Not even death."

"Then why did you do it?"

"You never did understand."

"Because you didn't talk to me! I defended you to Hylia. I did everything I could to hodl onto you while you surrendered to the darkest parts of yourself. I tried so hard. I love you too much to see what you were becoming."

"Demise knew you would. He counted on it actually. He never got to tell you, but he attributed much of our success to your weakness."

"So that's what I was? A pawn?"

"No, you were my love."

"Then why didn't you fight for me? For us?"

"I couldn't anymore. You weren't there. You didn't know what I was promised."

"How could I have known when you didn't talk to me?"

"(Name), I chose my path, and you chose yours. You could have joined me when I offered it to you. Instead, you created a sword spirit to kill me and my master."

"Because you left me no choice!"

"I did what I had to no matter what it made you think of me." 

"Did you ever regret it?"

"Of course I did! Not a day went by in the eons I've been forced to walk this wretched earth that I didn't see the betrayed look on your face or your screams as I plunged that sword through you."

I shuttered at the thought. I didn't want to think about that memory. It wasn't like the other memories. I subconsciously knew about it once Impa told me.

I sighed.

"Hold me."


"Hold me like you did back then. When there was nothing but our love. No plotting. No schemes. No war. Just us and our love."

I felt Ghirahim's arms around me and I felt like I was home.  

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