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 "Come on this isn't you."

Ghirahim turned his back to the young goddess as they stood in the Skyview Spring. This little action made the water turn frigid instead of its usual warmth. Soleil didn't like it and could feel the air tighten and the water's calm surface stress. The sky's blue atmosphere had dissolved, and was replaced by swirling gray clouds and the air became smoky.

She went to place a hand on Ghirahim's shoulder, but he caught her wrist pulling her into him. She stumbled in the water for a second not expecting it.

"Isn't it? I feel more like myself than I have in ages." Ghirahim said throwing his hands in the air for emphasis.

"This isn't funny anymore, Ghirahim. Cut it out."

"He told me you couldn't believe me... wouldn't believe in me."

"What in the world are you talking about?"

"I am a demon lord now. This could all be yours too. We could wreak havoc on this pitiful land and destroy Hylia. The demon king is so powerful, all he would need is you. Come on, my love, think of all the pain Hylia has put you through. All those eons of thinking you were worthless because you couldn't meet Hylia's perfect image... All those eons of faithful service for her to throw you away the second she found out about us."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing." Soleil said tangling her hands in her hair.

Ghirahim's eyes darkened.

"Neither can I. YOou're choosing that wretch over your own brother? Over me?"

"It's not like that and you know that."

"Isn't it!" Ghirahim's yell echoed through the spring causing Soleil to flinch.

"Ghirahim, you don't know what you're talking about. Let's just-"

"Talk? I've had enough of your talking. You go back to that woman continually hoping for the love that she isn't capable of giving you. You have stood by idly and watched her commit far worse crimes than Demise ever did."

"Ghirahim listen. I'm the first one to admit that she's not perfect. She's made horrible mistakes and I don't always agree with her. But at the end of the day, she is my goddess and everything she does is to keep us safe."

"Tch. My master always said your loyalty was your fatal flaw."

"And your narcissism is yours." She snapped.

"At least I don't bend my morals to appease a woman who is just using me."

"At least I'm not helping someone who wishes to destroy all life. Hylia has made a lot of mistakes and committed atrocities—and I hold her responsible for those—but right now all I want is to stop Erebus before he tears the world apart. Do you have any idea of what he's capable of? Do you know the horrors that will follow if he gets what he wants?"

"So, you hate your brother so much that you're willing to side with the one who tormented the two of you all your lives?"

"I loved Erebus!" Soleil yelled, her voice knocking Ghirahim to his feet.

"Erebus is dead. There is only the demon king Demise."

"Then I am avenging his death."

"So be it, but don't say I didn't warn you." 

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