Leap of Faith

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"Are you alright?"

Link's voice is what finally shook me out of this daze I was trapped in. Ever since Ghirahim disappeared from that temple. I couldn't focus on anything other than the thundering thoughts raging in me.

"Y-yeah." I said weakly still a little out of it. "I think I just need to clear my mind."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with?"

Link had now placed his hands on my shoulders grounding me even further. His delicate cerulean eyes had nothing but concern in them.

"You don't have to."

"But I want to make sure you're okay. Besides, what if he comes back?"

The entire time we spent walking out of the Skyview Temple, Link was asking what happened. He bombarded me with questions of why the demon lord acted like he knew me. I knew he was just worried, but I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed.

"I think I will go back to the Sealed Grounds and talk to the old lady."

"Okay, be careful." Link said after a little more convincing that I was okay.

He gave me a little squeeze and told me he'd be in Skyloft waiting for me.

I knew from the look of hesitation in his eyes that he really didn't want to leave me especially after everything the demon lord had said and done. Afterall, why would he in the middle of a battle completely ignore Link to subdue me?

My walk to the Sealed Grounds was chalked full of thoughts like that. It was a rabbit hole I thought I could never get away from. With each step, I began to overthink everything and think of more questions. 

"(𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲). 𝗦𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿, 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝘂𝘁."

"Who's there?!" I demand pulling out my sword without a thought.

"It's only me, dearie."

I spun to see the old lady holding her hands up to me. Was I so lost in thought that I hadn't noticed her in the clearing?

I dropped my sword along with letting go of this massive breath I had no idea that I was even holding onto.

"I'm so sorry." I sputtered as I pulled my hair in an attempt to wake myself up.

The old lady waddled towards me. Her braided hair swinging back and forth like a pendulum as she reached for my trembling hand.

"It's quite alright, dearie. I can see much turmoil inside you. Let's get back to the temple and I'll help you best that I can." 

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

The old lady had me sit in front of her by those massive mossy doors she guarded when me and Link first met her.

She settled down, sitting so she looked exactly like she did those few days ago. Her gigantic red hood with symbols on it that seemed like nonsense all that time ago, now said, "Sheikah."

"So, dearie, what is the matter?"

The old lady stretched her hand to me like she was asking me to hold it. As I did, I felt this cool breeze flow through the ancient temple. I also noticed the purple metallic bracelet that seemed so out of place with the rest of her garb.

"I'm not sure. My head... it's not making any sense." I say struggling to recall everything.

The old lady watched me as I tried to explain; the statues I saw, the terrible headache and pain I felt along with the visions, then the mysterious man I met at the Skyview Temple.

She had an understanding look on her face despite the panic in my voice. It could have been that she reminded me of my own grandmother but telling her everything was so relieving. I felt such a comfort as she squeezed my hand occasionally to remind me to take deep breaths.

I needed this. I needed her calm demeanor in the moment. I needed her soft voice. I needed her presence. It was all so familiar like I'd gone to her for this kind of thing before a thousand times.

"I knew this would happen, but I didn't know how far along you were." The old lady said as she patted my head.


"Dearie, much like your friends, you will have a great destiny."

"What does that mean?"

The old lady's gaze hardened a little as she squeezed my hand.

"The greatest evil that has ever roamed the land will awaken within a few months' time. Your friends, Zelda and Link have already begun to seek out their parts to play in all this. You, however, have a path that diverges from theirs for now."

She paused like she knew I was about to explode with questions.

"Why? What? How did-"

"Easy, dearie." She said in a way to calm me before a panic could run through my veins.

"None of this makes sense. I can't have some great destiny. I only came along because Zelda's my best friend. I didn't think... I don't know." I stammer.

The old lady stood and walked closer to me to hold me. She ran her hands in gentle circles on my back. She began whispering inaudible words that seemed to take all the rising panic out of my system almost like magic.

"Dearie, you can do so much more than you can possibly imagine. I knew it the second you stepped foot in this temple all that time ago."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Your memories hadn't awakened yet. But now that they have, it's time for you to follow down the path laid before you just like Link and Zelda."

"But I don't know the first thing to do."

The old lady pulled away and helped me to my feet.

"You need to bath in the sacred springs. Your spirit maiden, Zelda, is doing the same as we speak all over the land of the Surface. These springs will help reawaken your memories and help you see what you need."

"What about the visions I randomly had all throughout Skyview Temple?"

"Naturally, your memories will awaken on their own with the help of the springs. It's like giving you a key in a room full of locks. Your memories will fall into place."

"Before I go," I say to her. "What about Ghirahim?"

I felt the old lady's smile fade in an instant. There was more to him than she wanted me to know or at least that's what I told myself.

"There are so many things you do not know, and I cannot be the one to tell you. You must figure it out for yourself. You know it in your heart that your paths will cross again, and when they do, I cannot be the one to intervene."

"But that makes no sense."

"Quiet, dearie. I'll tell you everything once you come back. There are some things that you wouldn't believe until you see it for yourself."

We didn't converse much after that. I had tried to press her for more answers however she was unwavering.

I needed to take this leap of faith. So, I was ready to take off not realizing that I was being watched. 

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