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"(Name)!" A foggy voice exclaimed. "Hang on, I got you."

My eyelids felt heavy, and I couldn't find the strength to attempt to open them. Although I wanted to. I wanted to know what was going on.

That's when I felt this warm presence on me.

My eyes shot open, and my eyesight was invaded by the sunlight of the Earth Spring. Thank Hylia I was still there and not tied to a tree this time.

"Link?" I said hesitantly not sure I was seeing things correctly.

"(Name)! You're okay!"

Link pulled me into an embrace. I was still a little shocked and my senses weren't fully awake yet, but they didn't need to be. All I knew was I wanted to hug him back.

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his green tunic. It was like I was home when I was in his arms.

I was sitting on his lap and he had one hand on my back holding me against him while the other hand was in my (hair color) locks.

"I missed you so much, Link."

My voice was barely above a whisper. I didn't know how much I missed him until this very moment. I felt like the weight of everything had been trying to drown me for so long but now that he was there, he was my life saver. He was the rope that gets thrown to you once you're overboard.

"I'm so sorry I left you behind. I'll never do it ever again. I was so worried something bad happened to you. I-I thought the worst when Fi said Ghirahim had captured you."

"How'd she know?"

"Dowsing abilities."

"That's still creepy to me." I say with a laugh to lighten up the mood.

We pulled away and Link helped me to my feet. I stumbled a little since my body wasn't completely awake. Thankfully, Link caught me before I could fall over or anything then he held me by my waist to keep me steady.

My legs were shaking pretty badly.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?" Link asked looking at me.

I'm sure he was completely confused by the fact I was wearing a white toga and all the bruises I had from my reunion with Ghirahim.

"I don't know where to start first."

I told Link anything and everything. I could never keep anything from him. I told him about the visions and memories I've been having, and how I need to go to the Springs to restore them. I told him everything I've learned about Soleil. Then, the moment I mentioned Ghirahim I saw Link tense up.

"How dare he touch you." Link seethed angrily.

I had never seen Link angry like this before, so it was definitely a sight. He was a fiercely protective friend, and it felt so good to see him care so much for me. A tiny part of me wished that Link was jealous of Ghirahim.

I eventually got to the part where I met Impa and Link scowled.

He then told me about his interactions with the Sheikah. He was so upset with both her and him. Although, he said it was a little bit of a wake-up call. He did need to take things more seriously if he had any chance of saving Zelda.

Invisible String | Ghirahim x Reader x LinkWhere stories live. Discover now