Date With the Water Dragon

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"Ah! You there, human! You have intruded into my home, a sacred place few are permitted to enter!"

Even submerged in the deep waters of the temple, I could hear Faron's voice echoing throughout the room.

Her harsh cadence was just so embedded in my mind that I could hardly believe I ever forgot it. I didn't need to be above water to see the magnificence of her.

She was a giant water dragon, a deity that watched over the Faron Providence and the undersea life such as the Parella. She was prideful and headstrong entity that most would describe as "persnickety."

"My lady, please help our Water Dragon."

I turned to the little Parella that helped lead me and Link.

He, much like the rest of his tribe, were sea-horse like creatures while also inhabiting features of pastel coral. It was like he wore this kind of headrest or crown that made his species stand out from the other creatures of the depths.

I nodded to the little creature and swam to the surface and pulled myself to the little patio like structure that the Water Dragon sat upon with her giant healing basin.

"I am. Those with manners address me as Faron, warden of the woods. I was appointed by the goddess herself. Though my current stature is less than, well, intimidating, shall we say, know that you stand in the presence of a loyal servant of the goddess!"

I had pulled myself onto the platform with her and Link. Our eyes locked almost instantly and she hesitated before continuing to speak.

Her eyes seemed to ask me if this was the time, and naturally I nodded and slipped next to Link grabbing his arm.

She was just as glorious as the last time I saw her.

Her dull blue scales, fierce eyes, golden and violet patterns lining her crest and face, and her long tendril like whiskers at the top of her forehead all seemed like they had not changed in the millennia I was gone.

Her presence still exuded fierce, raw power and swiftness.

"...Hmm? I say, that's one of MY scales you have there! A sacred gift such as that could only be carried by the goddess's chosen hero. But could you really be him?" She paused her pompous attitude reared its head as she looked us up and down. "You've come here seeking a sacred flame, have you?"

"Yes, Your Excellency" I said as I bowed to her and Link quickly followed suit.

"Hmm... A shrimpy boy like you hardly looks the part of the goddess's chosen hero. There's no doubt about it. A test is in order to prove you're everything you say you are. Shortly before your arrival, I was attacked by a pompous creature calling himself Ghirahim."

At the sound of his name, I clutched my chest feeling the tug from before grow stronger. It was so harsh it almost hurt. That's when I heard his voice.

'Darling, had I known you'd show up there so soon, I would have waited for you.'

His voice echoed in my head. This bond had a few tricks up its selves and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

Sensing my discomfort, Link grabbed my hand and squeezed to bring me back to the present.

"The wounds he's given me are stubborn things. I have been forced to recuperate in this basin of sacred water. Unfortunately, the healing properties of the sacred water have diminished, and I am now in need of anther dose to freshen up my healing bath. Bring me the container of fresh sacred water that I require. Do me this favor, and I'll gladly show you where to find the sacred flame you desire. What say you?"

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