In the Wrong

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"Ghirahim!" I screamed jolting up.

I looked around to see I was in the temple of the Sealed Grounds with the elderly Impa coming to my side in a hurry. She held my hand and rubbed my back to help soothe me from the memories I just had to endure.

"There, there, dearie."

"Where's Link?" I ask looking around for him wanting nothing but to feel his warm embrace.

"He went back to Skyloft to uncover the clues of finding the flames. I'm sure you could catch him if you hurry." I went to stand up and hurry back to the land in the sky, but the old lady stopped me.

"I sense there's something on your mind."

"I, ugh... I just saw something." I said as my hand instinctually went to my chest.

"What did you see this time?"

"I saw Ghirahim killing me." I shuddered.

"Oh dearie," Impa's eyes saddened. "I know that memory hurt. Don't fret, you're safe now."

I nodded, although in the back of my mind, all I thought about was binding my soul to Ghirahim. I had declared myself his for all eternity. I wanted to tell Impa, I trusted her, yet I knew I couldn't trust her with this.

A voice deep down told me that. After all, I never told anyone originally while I was still a goddess.

There was only one person I could talk about it with.

But I couldn't do it. I threw caution to the wind as I asked her the question.

"What can you tell me about an Invisible String bond?" My voice was a little shaky as I asked.

My heart sank when Impa's eyes widened in terror. It was in that moment that she knew exactly why I asked. There was no other explanation. I had just told her how I saw Ghirahim killing me then I asked about a ritual so sacred that I only trusted Eldin with the truth.

Impa swallowed and tried to regain her composure.

"Well, it's a forbidden ritual that two will perform to bind their souls. This bond will transcend all space and time."
"How come I've never heard of it before?" I press.

"The Gods forbad this bond form ever being created. So, once Hylia had passed from this world, the history of this bond died with her."

I felt a little tug deep inside of me followed by this weird sensation. I was then flooded by an array of emotions; anger, calculating, focus.

It was Ghirahim. I was feeling his emotions. I could feel his presence.

He was in the Skyview Temple.

I shook off the feelings and turned all my attention to Impa.

"Why? What would it take to perform this ritual?"

"Dearie," Impa's gaze shook me to my very being. "Did you bind your soul eternally to Ghirahim?"

I thought of what to say. I couldn't lie to her now. I was too far to go back now. I had to tell her the truth. Besides, I think it would have been impossible if I lied seeing as I could now feel Ghirahim's tug on the string.

Invisible String | Ghirahim x Reader x LinkWhere stories live. Discover now