Wake Up Call

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It happened so fast.

I saw a blur of color storm the cave entrance without hesitation, and before I could scream Ghirahim was thrown off of me. We were now several feet apart as the mysterious stranger stood between us.

She was a tall woman with plae blonde hair as lean as Ghirahim was. I didn't know why but I felt a twinge of familiarity to her. I knew her, or at least it felt like that.

She wore a cape with designs that resembled the sun's iridescent rays. The rest of her body was draped in a blue leotard that reminded me of a loftwing I had once seen.

Her blue eyes were laced with this vicious yet stoic look. I think if I was the one opposing her, my blood would run cold. Her presence sent nothing but chills.

"Come to ruin my plans again?" Ghirahim snarked.

She didn't respond, instead she threw an ombre orb that was no bigger than her palm at Ghirahim's feet. As soon as it made contact with the ground, the entire ground exploded with dust. For a moment, I was afraid that the entire cave was going to collapse beneath us.

"Hold onto me, my lady." Her strict feminine voice ordered.

I immediately clung onto her and closed my eyes. That's when I felt my stomach churn and the air around me envelop me.

Once I opened my eyes, I was no longer in that cave. I was instead outside of a great temple.

Its exterior was several stories high, and I knew from my experience in the Skyview Temple that it was far bigger on the inside. I admired the golden pillars and architecture along with the other colorful and intricate designs.

The entrance reminded me quite a bit of the fire dragon from one of my visions back at the Skyview Spring.

"Where am I?" I asked absentmindedly.

"The Earth Temple."

I turned to look at the woman. This time her ferocity was cooled by a look of loyalty. She was now on her knees to me, and I couldn't help feeling like I've seen this before.

"Who are you?"

"Impa, servant of the Goddess Hylia. I was sent to your time by the goddess herself who feared you had already fallen into the wrong hands."

"Sent to my time?"

"Yes, my lady. In time, you will come to understand everything."

"Why does everyone keep saying that? The old lady at the temple, you..."

Impa placed her hands on my shoulders as I started to let my thoughts run rapid.

"My lady, compose yourself. You've had an exhausting time no doubt, but you cannot afford to lose yourself. You have a destiny laid out before you, and you must complete it."

I took a deep breath and placed my hands on hers.

"You're right." I said, "The old lady at the temple told me to bath in the sacred springs. I already bathed in Skyview's, but I don't know what happened. One moment I was in the spring then the next I was in a cave shackled to the ground."

"I am not sure, my lady, but your assailant must have taken your body from the spring and brought you here."

"Oh," I said remembering the memories I saw.

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