Down Memory Lane

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Before I set foot in Faron Woods, the old lady gave me a change of clothes. She had given me this pure white toga with a golden belt around the waist along with a golden tiara with a blue diamond at the center.

I wasn't sure why it mattered what I wore, but she insisted that I did. She said something about pleasing the goddesses and it would help me tap into my spirituality. I did what she wanted to, of course, just not without some apprehension. Although, when I did put it on, I felt this strange comfort.

And so, I was on my way back to the temple.

I had gone at sunrise. The old lady told me it would be better since most monsters wouldn't be awake yet, and I had only my sword from before to defend myself.

Along the way, I had a fairly peaceful and serene path. I got to feel the arm sun's rays that seemed so rejuvenating in my time of unease. Then the grass below my feet made me feel at home.

I remembered all those times I would run barefoot around Skyloft with Link. We were so carefree back then. We'd always try to race each other to the pumpkin patches and whoever won got to have the loser pay for their lunch. I won most of the time, or at least until Link got his growth spurt.

What I'd give to have Link with me right now. I was always capable with a sword, but Link was by far the better swordsman. My strengths were always with a bow.

It was funny actually, I used to practice shooting arrows with Fledge in front of the sword training building. Fledge would have me shoot at the pumpkins that were deemed unfit for the season since he knew how much I loved archery.

Link usually opted out of joining us.

He was never that into archery. He was okay at it , but it was always my domain during the weapons section of our studies.

I still remember that time when we were 12 years old. We were in the middle of our archery studies. Whenever Link tried, his arrows would fly out of control and scared all the professors. Everyone always ducked and prayed to the goddesses whenever Link was behind the bow. SO, as any friend would, I stepped behind him and helped him with his stance.

"First, line your body up perpendicular to the target." I told him as I put my hands on his shoulders to guide the boy.

As soon as he looked at me, his face lightened up. I think he was glad I finally caved and decided to help him. For so long I wouldn't because he needed to figure it out on his own plus I knew he wouldn't accept my help. He was always an independent kind of guy and would only ask for help in dire times.

But this was dire.

"Second, stand upright and place your feet shoulder width apart."

I nudged his ankle with my foot in order for him to move his feet a little. He took the hint, and immediately his posture was so much better. He murmured a little 'thank you' to me, and let me grab an arrow out of his quiver and he attached it to the string of his bow.

"Now use three fingers to hold the arrow on the string. Either you can place your index fingers above the arrow and the others below you can place all of them below. Then use your thumb to support the back of the arrow and keep it straight."

The first option I gave Link was for when the target is in sight or close while the second is when the target isn't. The second option will bring the arrow closer to the eye, so it'll be easier to shoot.

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