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"I thought we'd never get a moment alone."

I didn't dare turn around. I already knew who it was.

One because I could recognize his voice anywhere, and two because his hand slammed my dorm's door shut.

"I didn't think you'd show up here. A little far from the Surface for you, isn't it?"

His hand was still on the door as he chuckled at me. I felt shivers down my spine as he pressed his front against my back caging me to be trapped between his body and my door.

"Where's Skychild?"

"When did you start caring about what Link's doing?"

I was so glad I wasn't facing the demon lord. He would be able to see right through me. Link went to Eldin to retrieve the windmill propeller.

Although, knowing Ghirahim, he probably knew that already. I just hoped he didn't see when me and Link met up. Ghirahim was a very possessive lover, and I knew for a fact that he saw Link as a threat.

"Simple, love. He has two things that I want."

"A-ad that would be?" I stuttered as his tongue pressed against my neck.

"The second Gate of Time, and you," he whispered in my ear licking the shell of it.

"You'll never find it."

"I wouldn't be too sure of yourself, love. I have a way of getting what I want no matter how long it takes."

His one hand moved from caging me against the door to resting on my thigh.


"I remember this dress." He said drawing patterns on the upper part of my thigh. "It was the one you wore when we bound our souls together. It still makes me positively giddy that you still hold this torch for me."

His taunts eat at me.

Of course, I still loved him. The second I got my memories of him back; I felt my love for him come back. It was like they were never gone.

"Are you saying the same cannot be said for you as well?" I said breathing heavily as his fingers grasp at my leg harshly.

"You are practically adorable when you're like this, you know? You wouldn't believe my surprise when I felt this strange sensation hours ago."

I shifted a little not expecting this monologue. I hated when Ghirahim acted all mysterious and melodramatic like this. I could never tell what he was trying to tell me.

"What do you mean?"

"I felt our string for the first time in eons. So, I gave it a little tug to see, and I felt you."

The hand that was on my thigh swiftly moved to my neck holding it tightly causing me to whimper upon contact.

"I thought our string was cut after you killed me."

"Are you still on that? Darkling, that was ages ago. Don't fight me when I finally have you back after all this time. Our string snapping back in place is a sign. Come on, don't you miss me? Don't you still love me?"

That's when it hit me. Of course, our string was severed after he killed me, but it snapped back in place when we met. That's why he lost his composure during that fight, the string must have snapped back in place, and I didn't feel it until I remembered it.

Invisible String | Ghirahim x Reader x LinkWhere stories live. Discover now