Gate of Time

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It all happened in a flash.

One second, I was standing in front of giant stone walls that were blocked by massive amounts of boulders and rocks that seemed impenetrable as they overlooked the area with a giant crest of the Goddess Hylia.

The nest, my wrists were bound impossibly tight most likely rope burns, bruises, and blisters and Ghirahim scooped me up into his arms as he blew up what blocked our path.

I couldn't hear anything other than the sounds of the rubble being blasted away, my beating heart, and my frantic screams as we landed.

Ghirahim let go of me, causing me to fall to the ground, and I saw Link standing to our right with a look of sheer terror then in front of me was Zelda and Impa.

"The Gate of Time."

I knew what this meant.

This encounter would end one of two ways now. Ghirahim would successfully capture Zelda, or my ancient powers would reawaken the second I touch the harp that Zelda had.

I looked at Link in horror as Ghirahim flicked his wrist and a wall of diamonds appeared blocking Link's path keeping him from interfering.

Ghirahim let out his pompous laugh before charging at Zelda only to be intercepted and stopped by Impa's force field that glowed a brilliant blue.

"Impa!" Zelda cried as Ghirahim attacked.

"Your Grace! Quickly, to the gate!"

"(Name)! Link! Here! You'll need this where you're going."

The harp in Zelda's hands erupted in golden light before it shot into my hands. Upon impact, the ropes around my wrists melted away.

"Go! Now!" Impa yelled struggling to keep up her force field.

My heart sank as I saw the barrier around Link became weaker and weaker knowing that Ghirahim was about to penetrate Impa's force field. It was now or never. Demise would return whether I played the harp or not, so I surrendered myself to the harp and put my fingers to the strings.

A sound of shattering glass erupted in the chasm as Ghirahim had successfully destroyed Impa's defense sending her flying to the ground in pain.

But before Ghirahim could do anything, Link did an ariel attack with his sword slicing where Ghirahim should have been had he not jumped out of the way in the nick of time.

Our eyes met, and I knew he'd be racing to grab me.

I mouthed, "I'm sorry, Ghirahim."

I strummed the harp letting an explosion of light engult all of us sending Ghirahim flying back. He barely recovered in time. Then I held a hand up creating my own force field to hodl him back as Impa and Zelda rushed to the Gate of Time.

"Link! You must go now. Return to the old woman at the Sealed Grounds. Tell her what happened here. She will know where you must go! And know that we will-"

"I'll see you again! This isn't good-bye, Link! I promise!"

And with that, they passed through as Impa destroyed the gate leaving it in shambles and Ghirahim in a fit of rage.

I ran to Link, and he pulled me behind him as I dropped the golden force field.

"Now you've done it, Link. I blame myself. I should have reprimanded you the last time we met, but instead I was... soft. I'd take. Pleasure in punishing you, but I have no time for recreation. But next time, I'll do more than just beat you senseless. I'll make the affair so excruciating; you'll deafen yourself with the shrill sound of your own screams."

The very air around us cleared as soon as the demon lord disappeared.

I could just tell from the look in his eyes that seeing me being protected by Link killed him. It made him far more agitated and rageful.

I fell to my knees; the exhaustion from everything began to take its hold on me.

Link caught me dropping his sword without a second thought, and he took the harp from my hands. He quickly got on his knees so he could cradle me against him just like the way he did the last time we were reunited. It felt good.

"(Name)!" He cried holding me close.

"Link," I said relieved.

The world was about to collapse, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that he was alive.

"I should never have left you again. I'm so stupid I-"

"Relax," I said pressing my hand to the back of his head into his soft golden locks making his hat fall off in the process.

He made no real attempt to put it back on. I couldn't see it but I knew that he for sure had the worst case of hat hair known to man. We held each other for a little just listening to each other's racing heart beats.

"I love you, (Name)." Link whispered.

I pulled away from Link with my hands on his shoulders looking into his vulnerable blue eyes. The look he gave me showed he didn't just mean as a friend.


"I mean it. I'm sorry I didn't say it when we left, I just didn't know what to do. I couldn't think straight, but seeing him with you knowing that he had you just made me... I don't know. It made me realize I could never live with myself if something happened to you. I promise I'll never let you go."


He cut me off as he pressed his warm lips against mine.

My eyes fluttered close as his hand went to cup my flushed cheek. Our lips brushed together in a way that made me feel like this was right. There was nothing complicated or lust-filled about it. It was pure, sweet, and soft.

I felt my cheeks heat up the longer our lips were connected. I couldn't help but melt into him as he tenderly cupped my face. He was just so gentle and careful with me.

I had dreamed of this moment ever since I was a kid and it felt so surreal that it was finally happening. Oh goddesses, did I love this boy.

When we pulled away, we leaned against another's forehead and held each other's hands. He gave mine a few squeezes as we heard the quiet wind blow past us through our hair.

I could have stayed like that for forever if the threat of Demise wasn't in the back of my mind.

"What did Ghirahim do to you?" Link asked as his finger brushed over the bruises that I had on my wrists form the demon lord.

I tore my hands out from Link's, feeling at my wrist where the rope tore into my skin. In fact, I took this moment to see all the bruises littered all over my skin from time with Ghirahim.

"It's... a long and rather complicated story." I said trying to ignore the pain since most of my adrenaline was gone by now.

"How long were you with him?"

"I'm not entirely sure. A little bit after we parted ways at the Sealed Grounds, he just ambushed me then..."

"It's okay, I'll never let him hurt you ever again."

If only it was that simple. If only Link could defy fate like that. 

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