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"Deep in the woods there's a flame
Green as the leaves, you will claim
March to the beat
Of the courage in your heart.

Deep in the woods there's a flame
Green as the leaves, you will claim
March to the beat
Of the courage in your heart."

A vivid green flame appeared as Soleil stroked the last string of the song. She held the ever-glowing flame in her hands.

"Marvelous, my lady. I have never seen this flame's equal."

"This flame will be instrumental in the chosen hero's quest. I must ask you to safehouse it here in your domain."

"Anything for you, my lady."

Faron, the great water dragon bowed to the goddess.

Faron was just as massive as Eldin. She was his every equal. She was the ying to his yang, the water to his fire so to speak. Where he had lava, she had water. Her scales were a brilliant blue that resembled the very water that she had all power over.

In comparison, Eldin was patient while she had a very low tolerance of almost anyone except the goddesses. She had a sharp tongue and wasn't afraid to use it.

"There will come a time when a hero comes for it. Do not be deceived, as I believe many will try, this hero will carry a scale that allows him to breathe underwater. Then and only then, can you guide him to this flame."

"Understood. If I may, what is this flame for?"

"It is to empower the goddess blade he will wield. Once he has collected all these flames then his sword will have the power to banish evil. It will be known as the blade of evil's bane."


With that, Soleil released the flame into the sky where the flame soared to its designated area where none could venture without the help of the great water dragon, Faron.

"One more thing before I go, the song I taught you earlier is for the hero once he is ready to seek out the Triforce. You cannot give him it before that time."

Soleil left Faron's domain shortly after ready to do the same for the other dragons Eldin, Lanayru, and Levias. 

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I woke up around the afternoon the next day.

I hadn't slept that good in a long while. However, there was something in the air. I couldn't explain it. The air seemed thicker and denser at the same time.

I found the old lady standing in the sun outside of the temple overlooking the spiraling crevice that housed that sealing spike.

"You know where you need to go, dearie."

I held myself as a frigid breeze blew past us. I think I knew what would happen if I did. I was a little scared.

"What if I'm not ready?"

"You have to trust yourself. You know in your heart what you should do. Remember, when you know, you know."

I nodded heading to the center of Faron Woods.

As soon as I got there, the air was even thicker, and it was so cold. I felt the goosebumps on my arms and my stomach felt like it was doing flips.

"And here I was thinking you were avoiding me."

I felt Ghirahim's breath against my neck. I could see the flurry of diamonds and his cape flaring int eh breeze when he appeared out of the corner of my eye.

Without giving me a second to react or even turn to face him, he grasped my wrists and held them behind my back.

"Ahh," I groaned in pain.

"Did you really think you could stay away from me?"

He squeezed my wrists so hard I thought I'd have a couple of bruises like last time. The strange thing was I didn't mind that so much. In fact, I liked it deep down. I didn't want to fight him. I just wanted to give in. Give into him, the demon lord.


My words were cut off when his long tongue licked the entire length of my neck. I moved my head to give him better access without hesitation.

"Hmm, still as responsive as ever."

He released me only to press himself against me in an embrace I so sorely wanted. Something in me missed the cocky demon lord so much. His warmth, his voice, and his very being despite knowing everything he did.

It was like that didn't matter anymore.

He rested his chin on top of my head holding me so tight as if he was afraid, I'd vanish if he didn't.

When we pulled away, his one hand was in my hair tilting my head up to meet his gaze. He pulled a little but not enough to hurt me but enough to send a jolt of pleasure through me.

I pressed my hands against his chest staring at his silvery lips. Our lips connected before I could overthink anything.

I gasped in pain as he bit my lower lip. My cry was swallowed as his tongue invaded my mouth. The moment felt euphoric, and I never wanted it to end. His tongue was pinning mine down as he explored my mouth.

As this was happening, he was subtly grinding into my body. Before he stopped kissing me, he harshly sucked onto my tongue and gave my bottom lip one last nip.

"Ow." I breathed.

"I keep forgetting how fragile you are now." He said as he pulled away, his lips still lingering just above mine.

"Careful, if you continue to be so rough, I won't let you kiss me anymore."

"Like I'd ask."

His hands were now on my waist holding me against his body. I think he could hear how fast my heart was beating. His one hand occasionally caressed up and down my side making me let out a little whimper.

His touch always made me weak. I could never do anything but let out a moan when he touched me. It just felt so good.

"I still love you, Ghirahim." I murmured.

"I do too."

I heard him snap his fingers then all of a sudden, a glowing ring of ropes appeared around my waist binding my arms to my sides.

I writhed a little against them in panic.


He held a finger to my lips.

I looked up to his eyes hopefully, but I knew there was no going back now. There was no Impa. She was with Zelda. There was no Link. He was going after Zelda.

I was his.

"You belong to me. You have no idea how I wanted to tear that Skychild of yours to pieces the second he touched you." Ghirahim's lips were ghosting over my neck once more.

"Please don't do this." I pleaded.

"Please? Oh, how I love when you say that. But alas, my love, I do love seeing you all tied up like this more."

And he snapped his fingers again, and Faron Woods dissipated. 

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